This project is a initial concept, not a production system. It does not contain the latest source code on important billing!
このプロジェクトはコンセプト製品です。本番製品ではありません。 重要な課金に関する最新のソースコードを含んでいません!
ReBorder is virtual payment system for SFC (Keio univ Shonan Fujisawa Campus).
- Latest Xcode.
- Homebrew Installation
- Up to Python3
First, you have to install pip required dependencies running this command.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then, run the bootstrap
and access http://127.0.0:8000
- 😀 Shota Shimazu ✉️ [email protected]
This software is incliding original depended packages are licensed under the SFCOIN License, see LICENSE for detail.