A music player incorporating basic/intermediate Java functionalities with a highly object-oriented structure for Android devices. Utilises Firestore as a database for songs.
- Google sign-in system (no email logged)
- Search system to filter through existing songs
- Queue preview
- 'Like' songs
- Create playlists/add songs to existing ones
- Songs are dynamically loaded in from Firestore
I recommend beginner Android developers to look through this app's code. A lot of it is 're-compiled' Stack Overflow questions and answers that a newbie would search for, so there's a good chance that I've faced the same problems that you have! I should also note that this app is a submission for a school project.
A few Java fundamentals and basic Firestore knowledge are required. If you don't know Firestore: https://firebase.google.com/docs
Note: This Android app does not 100% follow the MVVM architecture. It looks like a mess right now but this might/will be fixed in the future.