My dotfiles for a development environment with MacOS, iTerm, Alacritty, tmux, Zsh, IntelliJ, Vim/Neovim, Git.
- Option 1: gruvbox
Put the following in vim config file
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
colorscheme gruvbox
- Option 2: solarized
Download solarized.vim from Solarized
$ mv solarized.vim ~/.vim/colors/
then include the following line in .vimrc
colorscheme solarized
Note: Neovim configuration is in a separate repository which can be found here.
I use Oh My Zsh for managing zsh configuration.
With the following command can install ohmyzsh, which works out of the box.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
I use agnoster theme with Powerline fonts for zsh. The agnoster theme comes with ohmyzsh, just need to enable it in .zshrc file. Use following command to install Powerline fonts:
# clone
git clone --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
In iTerm2, navigate to Preferences -> Profiles -> [myProfile] -> Text, tick "Use built-in Powerline glyphs" may just work fine without specifying a Powerline font. With default terminal of MacOS, need to set the font to one of installed Powerline fonts.
In addition, I also use the hack nerd font and jetbrains mono nerd font for terminal and Neovim, which can be installed with the following command:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font
The main plugins I use include git forgit z. The forgit needs to be installed as a custom plugin by the following command:
cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone
In addition, forgit requires fzf installed to work properly. Install fzf by:
brew install fzf