This is a repo providing instructions for BML class projects, designed by Shang Zhu (Advisor: Venkat Viswanathan)
Course string: 24786, CMU, 'Special Topics: Bayesian Machine Learning for Scientists and Engineers'
More about the class can be found here
(Credit to Varun Shankar, CMU)
We are trying to build ML surrogate for airfoil performance prediction, and create a generative model for airfoil images (GAN, VAE, Diffusion Models)
Data source: here provides a labeled airfoil dataset.
In class demo on denoising diffusion models: in reference to this post from Brian Pulfer. (Diffusion Models are really fun!)
(Credit to Alexander Bills, CMU)
We are trying to fit equivalent circuit models with eVTOL discharging datasets, inside a differentiable framework (torchdiffeq, julia)
Julia implementation of neuralECM can be found here thanks for the efforts made by Alec!