The WaterQualityIE repo contains resources associated with the OGC Water Quality Interoperability Experiment (IE). More information on this IE can be found at the OGC Water Quality IE initiative page.
- every Tuesday at 8:00 AM EDT / 14:00 Paris Time Zone (time zone planner link)
- /!\ planned exception : Tuesday 1st of November meeting is moved to Wed 2nd/11 same time slot (OGC Calendar is up to date) /!\
joining the group -> contact [email protected]
the living meeting minutes document is available here :
the modelling exercise is available here :
add yourself to the WQ IE mailing list ([email protected])
- For non-members ->
- OGC member can add themselve like every other OGC Group
slides presented are available in the folder
Contributions to the Water Quality IE repository can be made in one of two ways. For users familiar with git and github, contributions can be made through a pull request from a fork of the repository. For users not familiar with git and github, contributions can be made by submitting an issue describing where your contribution can be found and someone will help add the content through a pull request.
See this how-to on setting up your local environment over in the wiki.