Freetime how to project
#Implementation steps
- sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/symfony
- sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony
- go to workspace folder
- symfony new your_project
- installed some bundles: fosrest, fosuser, nelmio-api-doc
- create new bundle for api
- create first controller
- activate services.yml for appBundle
- create several entities via app/console doctrine:generate:entity
- move repository into an own namespace for a better overview
- create registration action
- create constraints for user object
- create dto for user
- exception for validation
- handle validations in the controller
- ProjectController (and all calls)
- WorkTimeController (and all calls)
- security for registration and login, use of @security annotation
- unit tests
- \AppBundle\Entity\Project::$hourlyRate validate to float