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An interactive CLI for ECS to help with troubleshooting tasks like:

  • Run remote commands on a container.
  • Check the logs of a running container.

Compared to the AWS CLI, if no parameters are provided to the available commands, the user would be requested to choose the desired resource from a list of all tasks running on ECS.


Nix users

The templates directory contains a complete version of the code snippets presented in this section. For a better user experience, setup sestrella binary cache to download pre-built binaries.


Add the project input into the devenv.yaml file:

    url: github:sestrella/iecs
      - default

To install the binary, add it to the packages section in the devenv.nix file:

packages = [ pkgs.iecs ];


Add the project input into the flake.nix file:

inputs.iecs.url = "github:sestrella/iecs/nix_templates";

Using it as an overlay

Add the project overlay to nixpkgs:

pkgs = import nixpkgs {
  inherit system;
  overlays = [ iecs.overlays.default ];

Use the binary as derivation input for creating packages or shells:

buildInputs = [ pkgs.iecs ];

Using it as a package

Use the binary as derivation input for creating packages or shells:

buildInputs = [ iecs.packages.${system}.default ];
Non-Nix users

Clone the repository:

git clone

Download and install the appropriate Go version. Check the version constraint on the go.mod to determine which version to use.

Compile and generate the binary:

go build

Copy the binary to a directory in the PATH, like ~/.local/bin:

cp iecs ~/.local/bin/iecs

[!NOTE] Check that the path where the binary is copied exists in the PATH environment variable.
