npm install save-mongodb
I won't bore your with waffle. If you want to see how this works look at the tests or this simple example:
// What you'll need!
var Db = require('mongodb').Db // npm install mongodb
, Server = require('mongodb').Server
, save = require('save') // npm install save
, saveMongodb = require('..')
// Create a db object to a local mongodb database called SimpleExample.
, db = new Db('SimpleExample', new Server('localhost', 27017, {}))
// Open your mongodb database. (error, connection) {
// Get a collection. This will create the collection if it doesn't exist.
connection.collection('contact', function (error, collection) {
// Create a save object and pass in a mongodb engine.
var contactStore = save('Contact', { engine: saveMongodb(collection) })
// Then we can create a new object.
contactStore.create({ name: 'Paul', email: '[email protected]'}, function (error, contact) {
// The created 'contact' is returned and has been given an _id
// Don't forget to close your database connection!
Find now has a streaming interface
var contactStore = save('Contact', { engine: saveMongodb(collection) })
, es = require('event-stream')
Paul Serby follow me on twitter @serby
Licenced under the New BSD License