Django-live-profiler is a low-overhead data access and code profiler for Django-based applications. For more information, check out
- Run pip install django-live-profiler
- Add 'profiler' app to INSTALLED_APPS
- Add 'profiler.middleware.ProfilerMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE
- Optionally add 'profiler.middleware.StatProfMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE to enable Python code statistical profiling (using statprof). WARNING: this is an experimental feature, beware of possible incorrect output.
- Add url(r'^profiler/', include('profiler.urls')) to your urlconf
In order to start gathering data you need to start the aggregation server:
$ aggregated --host --port 5556
Note, you must run Django with threading disabled in order for statprof to work!
$ ./manage runserver --noreload --nothreading
You may experience issues with staticfiles loading in chrome when --nothreading is passed.
This is because chrome opens two initial connections, which blocks when Django is only able to respond to one of them. To fix this, you must serve staticfiles via separate staticfile server, such as nginx with a reverse_proxy to your Django runserver.
Visit for results.