A banking app demonstrates modern Android development using Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Compose, Room, ViewModel, MVVM architecture.dark and ligth theme, offline support, multi module.
- Home,
- Cards
- Transactions.
- Login
- Onboarding
- Error handling
The following diagram sugest the way to modularizated by feature + layer
Release process tools:
- CI/CD: Bitrise
- Repository: Gitlab
- Android libraries storage and distribution: jfrog
- App Distribution: Firebase App Distribution
Quality assurance:
We will use unit test, integration test an end to end test.
- Linter: ktlint
- Plugin coverage and test report_ Jacoco:
- UI Test: Maestro.dev
- Unit test: Junit, mockK, Roboelectric
When some one push code to an specific branch or when a mr is trigered trough a webhook will run an specific pipeline on Bitirse.
The pipeline will run tests and build.
We are using jfrog Artifactory as own dependency store.
When the final build is ready we send to Firebase app distribution to allow testers to check the app.
The final stage will be deploy to Google Play