This project is aimed to develop the Facial Emotion based Music Recommendation system using Convolution Neural Network.
- To approach the Facial Emotion Analysis, face detection is the priority. The face detection is approached using frontal face haarcascade.
- After detecting the face, the face image is converted into black & white image and feeded into the CNN model.
- Convolution Neural Network uses the image of the user and identifies the emotion.
- The current project version can only detects the 5 emotions - Happy, Sad, Neutral, Excited, Angry.
- The whole model is then embedded into the Flask Framework.
- Emotion Analysis accuracy is 73.53%.
Languages: Python, HTML, CSS Web-Framework: Flask
Link to the research paper - Mus-Emo: An Automated Facial Emotion-Based Music Recommendation System Using Convolutional Neural Network