- CodeShare is a website solely designed to make learning fun and easy.
- The editing code feature can be handled both by Admin and User so that user can also give the input and can make the code optimal.
- Ask a doubt in doubt section would let admin know on which line the user has a doubt.
- User just need to enter the Code Room Unique Id Shared by their Admin and can get in and learn without any hindrance.
- All the joinies will get alert toaster regarding events like joining of a new member or someone asked a doubt, so that everyone can see what is happening!
- Still in developing mode i will add more features soon.
- We used ReactJS for the website.
- We use Monaco-editor library to integrate the code editor.
- We use socket.io for real-time changes in a room.
- We use Express.js to build our backend server.
- We used render for the deployment.
- Frontend: ReactJs, SocketIO
- Backend: Express
- Version Control: Git and GitHub
- Hosting: Render
- Code Editor and tools: VS Code