name can be first initial, last name like bmelone or part of each name like samcat
Try to start with a verb in past tense. Short name in the first line then a blank line and you can write a longer description below it.
Added the new feature
This feature will allow users to add new products to the app.
With respect to the kanban, all milestone one and two issues have been completed:
- app is configured to use travis CI, heroku, postgres
- model objects are completed and stored in database
- functionality for products is complete
- added user page, following, followers, user linked to review
- improved login, added sign up
- added chain page, filtering, product images
- Jaccard distance
- degrees of separation
- homepage
- add error pages
- add user and admin (can add product) roles
- make users only able to post one review per product
- front ends for sorting and more sorting types for products and reviews
- navigation bar
- home page
- search bar
- logout button