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samdejong86 committed Apr 24, 2018
1 parent 8125795 commit 137c559
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Showing 15 changed files with 7,980 additions and 1,278 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions ArriaVADCEthernet.qpf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
# agreement for further details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus Prime
# Version 16.1.0 Build 196 10/24/2016 SJ Standard Edition
# Date created = 13:10:11 April 20, 2018
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

DATE = "13:10:11 April 20, 2018"

# Revisions

PROJECT_REVISION = "ArriaVADCEthernet_top"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions ArriaVADCEthernet_top.cdf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/* Quartus Prime Version 16.1.0 Build 196 10/24/2016 SJ Standard Edition */

P ActionCode(Cfg)
Device PartName(5AGXFB3H4F35) Path("/home/srdejong/ArriaVADCEthernet/output_files/") File("ArriaVADCEthernet_top.sof") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));


1,753 changes: 1,753 additions & 0 deletions ArriaVADCEthernet_top.qsf

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions ArriaVADCEthernet_top.sdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
post_message -type info "Entering a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_top.sdc"

source src/checkQuartusVersion.sdc
source src/commentOutSDCFile.sdc

#checkQuartusVersion "Version 12.0 Build 178 05/31/2012 SJ Full Version"
commentOutSDCFile "a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys/synthesis/submodules/altera_eth_tse_mac.sdc"

#Info: Reading SDC File: 'a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys/synthesis/submodules/a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys_tse_mac_constraints.sdc'

# Start by getting all of the PLL related clocks declared
derive_pll_clocks -create_base_clocks

# these are the input clocks to the FPGA
set altera_reserved_tck { altera_reserved_tck }
#set clkin_50_fpga { clkin_50_fpga }
create_clock -period 20.00 -name clkin_50 [ get_ports clkin_50 ]

# these are the generated clocks from jtag and plls that we care about
#set ddrlo_sysclk_125 { a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys_inst|ddr2_lo_latency_128m|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_controller_phy_inst|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_phy_inst|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_phy_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[1] }
#set ddrlo_auxhalf_62p5 { a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys_inst|ddr2_lo_latency_128m|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_controller_phy_inst|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_phy_inst|s5gx100g_fpga_bup_qsys_inst_ddr2_lo_latency_128m_phy_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] }

set enet_pll_125 { u0|enet_pll|altera_pll_i|general[0].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk }
set enet_pll_25 { u0|enet_pll|altera_pll_i|general[1].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk }
set enet_pll_2p5 { u0|enet_pll|altera_pll_i|general[2].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk }

set enet_reset { u0|enet_pll|altera_pll_i|general[2].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk }
set enet_locked { u0|enet_pll|altera_pll_i|general[2].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk }

# constrain the Ethernet RGMII interface, the order of these source statements is specific
source src/rgmii_clocks.sdc
source src/rgmii_input.sdc
source src/rgmii_output.sdc

# some clock uncertainty is required

# Create false paths between clock domains that are not fully constrained by the IP that makes these paths.
# Ideally we should not have to do this, however, these paths must be cut to meet timing and in most cases
# the IP should be accounting for synchronization between these paths.
# The risk of a global cut like these is that if the IP is not synchronizing properly between the two domains
# then you have significant problems with the design. Ideally the IP should synchronize it's clock crossing
# paths and create constraints to cut those paths so we don't have to perform a global cut like this.
set_clock_groups \
-exclusive \
-group [get_clocks {tx_clk_125 tx_clk_25 tx_clk_2p5}] \
-group [get_clocks enet_rx_clk] \
-group [get_clocks clkin_50]

# these are clock crossing paths from our global reset generator which should be cut
#set_false_path -from [get_keepers *reset_counter*resetn_out] -to *
#set_false_path -from * -to [get_keepers *bit_synchronizer*p1]

# this is the locked output from the Ethernet PLL in the design, it can be cut
#set_false_path -from {a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys_inst:a5gx_starter_fpga_bup_qsys_inst|enet_pll:the_enet_pll|count_done} -to *

# this is for the IRQ signals that come from the slow peripheral clock domain to the linux cpu
#set_false_path -from * -to [get_keepers *irq_from_sa_clock_crossing_linux_cpu_data_master\|data_in_d1]

# These are the constraints out of the TSE MAC SDC file that are relevant to us.
# The TSE MAC SDC file should be commented out by this script.
set_multicycle_path -setup 5 -from [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_altsyncram_dpm_fifo:U_RTSM|altsyncram*] -to [ get_registers *]
set_multicycle_path -setup 5 -from [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_retransmit_cntl:U_RETR|*] -to [ get_registers *]
set_multicycle_path -setup 5 -from [ get_registers *] -to [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_retransmit_cntl:U_RETR|*]
set_multicycle_path -hold 5 -from [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_altsyncram_dpm_fifo:U_RTSM|altsyncram*] -to [ get_registers *]
set_multicycle_path -hold 5 -from [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_retransmit_cntl:U_RETR|*] -to [ get_registers *]
set_multicycle_path -hold 5 -from [ get_registers *] -to [ get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|altera_tse_retransmit_cntl:U_RETR|*]
set_max_delay 7 -from [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|dout_reg_sft*] -to [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_top_1geth:U_GETH|altera_tse_mac_tx:U_TX|*]
set_max_delay 7 -from [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|eop_sft*] -to [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_top_1geth:U_GETH|altera_tse_mac_tx:U_TX|*]
set_max_delay 7 -from [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_tx_min_ff:U_TXFF|sop_reg*] -to [get_registers *|altera_tse_top_w_fifo:U_MAC|altera_tse_top_1geth:U_GETH|altera_tse_mac_tx:U_TX|*]

# The following constraints are for miscelaneous input and output pins in the
# design that are not constrained elsewhere.

# cpu_resetn
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 10 [ get_ports {cpu_resetn} ]
#set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 10 [ get_ports {max_cpu_resetn} ]
set_false_path -from [get_ports cpu_resetn] -to *
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports flash_resetn]

# Ethernet MDIO interface
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {enet_mdc} ]
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {enet_mdio} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {enet_mdio} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {enet_resetn} ]

# flash interface
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {fm_a[*]} ]
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {fm_d[*]} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {fm_d[*]} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {flash_cen[*]} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {flash_oen} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {flash_resetn} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {flash_wen} ]

# jtag interface
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks $altera_reserved_tck ] 10 [ get_ports altera_reserved_tms ]
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks $altera_reserved_tck ] 10 [ get_ports altera_reserved_tdi ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks $altera_reserved_tck ] 10 [ get_ports altera_reserved_tdo ]

# user pb, dipsw and led
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {user_pb[*]} ]
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {user_dipsw[*]} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {user_led[*]} ]
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {lcd_*} ]
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clkin_50 ] 2 [ get_ports {lcd_data[*]} ]

set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {lcd_*}]
set_false_path -from [get_ports {lcd_data[*]}] -to *


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