Web app for finding teammates to play in cs2. 🔫
- Client ⚛️
- React
- TypeScript
- Redux Tool Kit
- Styled Components
- NodeJS servers 🈯
- Express
- TypeScript
- Websocket Server 🔄
- socketIO
- Steam Auth by Passport.js lib
- node v18.17.1
- determination to open even one project file
- steam auth
- chat
- create teams
- search for players or teams
- friends functions
- admin panel (the best UI ever)
Client is a dump of components with no structure. Same history with other services. I did a little directory separation, but anyway the services contain files with a huge amount of code inside, also somewhere there are ctr+c ctr+v boilerplates.
The reason for this nightmare is simple, I didn't have time to deal with patterns and project structures, I just needed to finish this project (it's my diploma btw 😁) in time, so I took the easy way out. (touch at your own risk) 💙