If you use the code or derive code from it-- Cite the MIT License, Cite our work
The code learns movement policies in three MTD domain. The conda environment with all the prerequisite dependencies can be found at:
Running the BSS-Q (but not the baselines) requires one to have a Gurobi installed in their machine alongwith a Liscence Key (it is free for academic researchers). More information on this can be found here. We will now briefly discuss how to use the existing data-files that are used in the paper and also how to generate all the data from scratch.
Note that this domain does not need the full generality offered by Bayesian Stackelberg Markov Games and can be handled via MARL approaches for Markov Games.
- Experimental data shown in the paper can be found at:
Hyperparameters -- ./markov_games/outputs/mtd-ids/hyperparameters.ini
Saved Rewards -- ./markov_games/outputs/mtd-ids/exp_data_
<learner name>
Saved Plot -- ./markov_games/images/mtd-ids/state_rewards.png
- Reproducing plot with existing data.
cd ./markov_games
# Copy saved data files
cp ./outputs/mtd-ids/*.ini ./
# Run code to plot graph
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd-ids/state_rewards.png
- Training RL agent and generating graph from scratch
cd ./markov_games
# Edit hyperparameters
vi hyperparameters.ini
# Run code (takes significant amount of time)
python run.py
# plot using generated data (stored in output folder)
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd-ids/state_rewards.png
- Experimental data shown in the paper can be found at:
Hyperparameters -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/outputs/mtd_wa/paper/hyperparameters.ini
Saved Rewards -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/outputs/mtd_wa/paper/exp_data_
<learner name>
Saved Plot -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/images/mtd_wa/paper/state_rewards.png
- Reproducing plot with existing data.
cd ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games
# Copy saved data files
cp ./outputs/mtd_wa/paper/*.ini ./
# Run code to plot graph
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd_wa/paper/state_rewards.png
- Training RL agent and generating graph from scratch
cd ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games
# Edit hyperparameters
vi hyperparameters.ini
# Run code (takes significant amount of time)
python run.py
# plot using generated data (stored in output folder)
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd_wa/paper/state_rewards.png
We have data from other runs that is available by simply replacing paper
by run_5_30
- Experimental data shown in the paper can be found at:
Hyperparameters -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/outputs/mtd_wa_stochastic/hyperparameters.ini
Saved Rewards -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/outputs/mtd_wa_stochastic/exp_data_
<learner name>
Saved Plot -- ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games/images/mtd_wa_stochastic/state_rewards.png
- Reproducing plot with existing data.
cd ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games
# Copy saved data files
cp ./outputs/mtd_wa_stochastic/*.ini ./
# Copy saved hyperparameters
cp ./outputs/mtd_wa_stochastic/*.pickle ./outputs/
# Run code to plot graph
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd_wa_stochastic/state_rewards.png
- Training RL agent and generating graph from scratch
cd ./bayesian_stackelberg_markov_games
# Edit hyperparameters
vi hyperparameters.ini
# Run code (takes significant amount of time)
python run.py
# plot using generated data (stored in output folder)
python plot_values.py
# View output
eog ./images/mtd_wa_stochastic/state_rewards.png
title={Multi-agent reinforcement learning in bayesian stackelberg markov games for adaptive moving target defense},
author={Sengupta, Sailik and Kambhampati, Subbarao},
journal={NeurIPS Workshop on Real-world Reinforcement Learning},