Python package to notify you when your function is done through Telegram and/or Slack!
$ pip install whendone
First create a bot through @BotFather
Start a conversation with the bot, only once required, /start
Obtain the token and add it, see code below.
# Import library
from whendone import WhenDone
# Initialize
notifier = WhenDone(telegram_token='XXXXXXXXXXX')
# Add decorator to function
def Test():
print('Hello World')
# Function call
Browse to
create a new app from scratch, give it a name and assign it to a group or person. On the app page, browse to OAuth & Permissions
, go to Scope and the following scope, chat:write
, reinstall the app and obtain the token
. From slack open the chatbot, and obtain the id
The code is almost the same to the Telegram example, but with the addition of 1 line.
# Import library
from whendone import WhenDone
# Initialize
notifier = WhenDone(slack_token='XXXXXXXXXXX')
# Add decorator to function
def Test():
print('Hello World')
# Function call
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was created by Sabri Barac. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.