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s5z committed Mar 13, 2014
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions LICENSE
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.
Public License instead of this License.
204 changes: 203 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,206 @@

A fast and scalable x86-64 multicore simulator
zsim is a fast x86-64 simulator. It was originally written to evaluate ZCache
(Sanchez and Kozyrakis, MICRO-44, Dec 2010), hence the name, but it has since
outgrown its purpose.
zsim's main goals are to be fast, simple, and accurate, with a focus on
simulating memory hierarchies and large, heterogeneous systems. It is parallel
and uses DBT extensively, resulting in speeds of hundreds of millions of
instructions/second in a modern multicore host. Unlike conventional simulators,
zsim is organized to scale well (almost linearly) with simulated core count.

You can find more details about zsim in our ISCA 2013 paper:

License & Copyright

zsim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
version 2.

zsim was originally written by Daniel Sanchez at Stanford University, and per
Stanford University policy, the copyright of this original code remains with
Stanford (specifically, the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior
University). Since then, zsim has been substantially modified and enhanced at
MIT by Daniel Sanchez, Nathan Beckmann, and Harshad Kasture. zsim also
incorporates contributions on main memory performance models from Krishna
Malladi, Makoto Takami, and Kenta Yasufuku.

zsim was also modified and enhanced while Daniel Sanchez was an intern at
Google. Google graciously agreed to share these modifications under a GPLv2
license. This code is (C) 2011 Google Inc. Files containing code developed at
Google have a different license header with the correct copyright attribution.

Additionally, if you use this software in your research, we request that you
reference the zsim paper ("ZSim: Fast and Accurate Microarchitectural
Simulation of Thousand-Core Systems", Sanchez and Kozyrakis, ISCA-40, June
2013) as the source of the simulator in any publications that use this
software, and that you send us a citation of your work.


External dependencies: `gcc >=4.6, pin, scons, libconfig, libhdf5`

1. Clone a fresh copy of the git zsim repository (`git clone <path to zsim repo>`).

2. Download Pin, . Tested with Pin 2.8+ on an x86-64
architecture. Compiler flags are set up for Pin 2.9 on x86-64. To get flags
for other versions, examine the Pin makefile or derive from sample pintools.
Set the PINPATH environment variable to Pin's base directory.

NOTE: Linux 3.0+ systems require Pin 2.10+, just because Pin does a kernel
version check that 3.0 fails.

NOTE 2: Use Pin 2.12 with Sandy/Ivy Bridge systems, earlier Pin versions
have strange performance regressions on this machine (extremely low IPC).

3. zsim requires some additional libraries. If they are not installed in your
system, you will need to download and build them:

3.1 libconfig, . To install locally,
untar, run `./configure --prefix=<libconfig install path> && make install`.
Then define the env var `LIBCONFIGPATH=<libconfig install path>`.

3.2 libhdf5, (v1.8.4 path 1 or higher). The
SConstruct file assumes it is installed in the system.

3.3 (OPTIONAL) polarssl (currently used just for their SHA-1 hash function), Install locally as in 3.1 and define the env var
`POLARSSLPATH=<polarssl install path>`

NOTE: You may need to add `-fPIC` to the Makefile's C(PP/XX)FLAGS depending
on the version.

3.4 (OPTIONAL) DRAMSim2 for main memory simulation. Build locally and define
the env var DRAMSIMPATH as in 3.1 and 3.3.

4. Compile zsim: `scons -j16`

5. Launch a test run: `./build/opt/zsim tests/simple.cfg`

For more compilation options, run scons --help. You can build debug, optimized
and release variants of the simulator (--d, --o, --r options). Optimized (opt)
is the default. You can build profile-guided optimized (PGO) versions of the
code with --p. These improve simulation performance with OOO cores by about

NOTE: zsim uses C++11 features available in `gcc >=4.6` (such as range-based for
loops, strictly typed enums, lambdas, and type inference). Older version of gcc
will not work. zsim can also be built with `icc` (see the `SConstruct` file).


**Accuracy:** While we have validated zsim against a real system, you should be
aware that we sometimes sacrifice some accuracy for speed and simplicity. The
ISCA 2013 paper details the possible sources of inaccuracy. Despite our
validation efforts, if you are using zsim with workloads or architectures that
are significantly different from ours, you should not blindly trust these
results. Also, zsim can be configured with varying degrees of accuracy, which
may be OK in some cases but not others (e.g., longer bound phases to reduce
overheads are often OK if your application has little communication, but not
with fine-grained parallelism and synchronization). Finally, in some cases, you
will need to modify the code, and for some purposes, zsim is just not the right
tool. In any case, we strongly recommend validating your baseline configuration
and workloads against a real machine.

**Memory Management:** zsim can simulate multiple processes, which introduces some
complexities in memory management. Each Pin process uses SysV IPC shared
memory to communicate through a global heap. Be aware that Pin processes have a
global and a process-local heap, and all simulator objects should be allocated
in the global heap. A global heap allocator is implemented (galloc.c and g\_heap
folder) using Doug Lea's malloc. The global heap allocator functions are as the
usual ones, with the gm\_ prefix (e.g. gm\_malloc, gm\_calloc, gm\_free). Objects
can be allocated in the global heap automatically by making them inherit from
GlobAlloc, which redefines the new and delete operators. STL classes use their
own internal allocators, so they cannot be members of globally visible objects.
To ease this, the g\_stl folder has template specializations of commonly used
STL classes that are changed to use our own STL-compliant allocator that
allocates from the global heap. Use these classes as drop-in replacements when
you need a globally visible STL class, e.g. substitute std::vector with
g\_vector, etc.

**Harness:** While most of zsim is implemented as a pintool (``), a harness
process (`zsim`) is used to control the simulation: set up the shared memory
segment, launch pin processes, check for deadlock, and ensure termination of
the whole process tree when it is killed. In prior revisions of the simulator,
you could launch the pintool directly, but now you should use the harness.

**Transparency & I/O:** To maintain transparency w.r.t instrumented
applications, zsim does all logging through info/warn/panic methods. With the
sim.logToFile option, these dump to per-process log files instead of the
console. *You should never use cout/cerr or printf in simulator code* ---
simple applications will work, but more complex setups, e.g., anything that
uses pipes, will break.

**Interfacing with applications:** You can use special instruction sequences to
control the simulation from the application (e.g., fast-forward to the region
you want to simulate). `misc/hooks` has wrappers for C/C++, Fortran, and Java,
and extending this to other languages should be easy.

**Host Configuration:** The system configuration may need some tweaks to support
zsim. First, it needs to allow for large shared memory segments. Second, for
Pin to work, it must allow a process to attach to any other from the user, not
just to a child. Use sysctl to ensure that `kernel.shmmax=1073741824` (or larger)
and `kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0`. zsim has mainly been used in
Ubuntu 11.10, 12.04, 12.10, 13.04, and 13.10, but it should work in other Linux
distributions. Using it in OSs other than Linux (e.g,, OS X, Windows) will be
non-trivial, since the user-level virtualization subsystem has deep ties into
the Linux syscall interface.

**Stats:** The simulator outputs periodic, eventual and end-of-sim stats files.
Stats can be output in both HDF5 and plain text. Read the README.stats file
and the associated scripts repository to see how to use these stats.

**Configuration & Getting Started:** A detailed use guide is out of the scope of
this README, because the simulator options change fairly often. In general,
*the documentation is the source code*. You should be willing to occasionally
read the source code to see how different zsim features work. To get familiar
with the way to configure the simulator, the following three steps usually work
well when getting started:

1. Check the examples in the `tests/` folder, play around with the settings, and
launch a few runs. Config files have three sections, sys (configures the
simulated system, e.g., core and cache parameters), sim (configures simulation
parameters, e.g., how frequent are periodic stats output, phase length, etc.),
and process{0, 1, 2, ...} entries (what processes to run).

2. Most parameters have implicit defaults. zsim produces an out.cfg file that
includes all the default choices (and we recommend that your analysis scripts
automatically parse this file to check that what you are simulating makes
sense). Inspecting the out.cfg file reveals more configuration options to play
with, as well as their defaults.

3. Finally, check the source code for more info on options. The whole system is
configured in the init.cpp (sys and sim sections) and process\_tree.cpp
(processX sections) files, so there is no need to grok the whole simulator
source to find out all the configuration options.

**Hacking & Style Guidelines:** zsim is mostly consistent with Google's C++ style
guide. You can use to check rule violations. We depart from these
guidelines on a couple of aspects:

- 4-space indentation instead of 2 spaces

- 120-character lines instead of 80-char (though you'll see a clear disregard
for strict line length limits every now and then)

You can use (included in misc/ with slight modifications) to check
your changes. misc/ also has a script to tidy includes, which should be in
alphabetical order within each type (own, system, and project headers).

vim will indent the code just fine with the following options:
`set cindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab smarttab`

Finally, as Google's style guidelines say, please be consistent with the
current style used elsewhere. For example, the parts of code that deal with Pin
follow a style consistent with pintools.

Happy hacking, and hope you find zsim useful!

71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions README.stats
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# zsim stats README
# Author: Daniel Sanchez <[email protected]>
# Date: May 3 2011
# Stats are now saved in HDF5, and you should never need to write a stats
# parser. This README explains how to access them in python using h5py. It
# doubles as a python script, so you can just execute it with "python
# README.stats" and see how everything works (after you have generated a stats
# file).

import h5py # presents HDF5 files as numpy arrays
import numpy as np

# Open stats file
f = h5py.File('zsim-ev.h5', 'r')

# Get the single dataset in the file
dset = f["stats"]["root"]

# Each dataset is first indexed by record. A record is a snapshot of all the
# stats taken at a specific time. All stats files have at least two records,
# at beginning (dest[0])and end of simulation (dset[-1]). Inside each record,
# the format follows the structure of the simulated objects. A few examples:

# Phase count at end of simulation
endPhase = dset[-1]['phase']
print endPhase

# If your L2 has a single bank, this is all the L2 hits. Otherwise it's the
# hits of the first L2 bank
l2_0_hits = dset[-1]['l2'][0]['hGETS'] + dset[-1]['l2'][0]['hGETX']
print l2_0_hits

# Hits into all L2s
l2_hits = np.sum(dset[-1]['l2']['hGETS'] + dset[-1]['l2']['hGETX'])
print l2_hits

# Total number of instructions executed, counted by adding per-core counts
# (you could also look at procInstrs)
totalInstrs = np.sum(dset[-1]['simpleCore']['instrs'])
print totalInstrs

# You can also focus on one sample, or index over multiple steps, e.g.,
lastSample = dset[-1]
allHitsS = lastSample['l2']['hGETS']
firstL2HitsS = allHitsS[0]
print firstL2HitsS

# There is a certain slack in the positions of numeric and non-numeric indices,
# so the following are equivalent:
print dset[-1]['l2'][0]['hGETS']
#print dset[-1][0]['l2']['hGETS'] # can't do
print dset[-1]['l2']['hGETS'][0]
print dset['l2']['hGETS'][-1,0]
print dset['l2'][-1,0]['hGETS']
print dset['l2']['hGETS'][-1,0]

# However, you can't do things like dset[-1][0]['l2']['hGETS'], because the [0]
# indexes a specific element in array 'l2'. The rule of thumb seems to be that
# numeric indices can "flow up", i.e., you can index them later than you should.
# This introduces no ambiguities.

# Slicing works as in numpy, e.g.,
print dset['l2']['hGETS'] # a 2D array with samples*per-cache data
print dset['l2']['hGETS'][-1] # a 1D array with per-cache numbers, for the last sample
print dset['l2']['hGETS'][:,0] # 1D array with all samples, for the first L2 cache

# OK, now go bananas!


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