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The Rust blog


This is the blog of the Rust Programming Language.

It's implemented as a small static site generator, that's deployed to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions.


To build the site locally:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ cargo run

You could do it in release mode if you'd like, but it's pretty fast in debug.

From there, the generated HTML will be in a public directory. Open public/index.html in your web browser to view the site.

$ firefox public/index.html

You can also run a server, if you need to preview your changes on a different machine:

$ cargo run -p serve
Serving on:


First of all, thank you!

Like everything in Rust, the blog is licensed MIT/Apache 2.0. See the two LICENSE-* files for more details. We're also governed by the Rust Code of Conduct, see for more.

Please send pull requests to the master branch. If you're trying to do something big, please open an issue before working on it, so we can make sure that it's something that will eventually be accepted.

When writing a new blog post, keep in mind the file headers:

layout = "post"
date = 2015-03-15
title = "Title of the blog post"
author = "Blog post author (or on behalf of which team)"
release = true # (to be only used for official posts about Rust releases announcements)

Snapshot testing

If you're making changes to how the site is generated, you may want to check the impact your changes have on the output. For this purpose, there is a setup to do snapshot testing over the entire output directory.

To run these tests in CI, add the string RUN_SNAPSHOT_TESTS to the PR description. You can also run these tests locally for a faster feedback cycle:

  • Make sure you have cargo-insta installed.

  • Generate the good snapshots to compare against, usually based off the master branch:

    cargo insta test --accept --include-ignored

    Consider making a commit with these snapshots, so you can always check the diff of your changes with git:

    git add --force src/snapshots # snapshots are ignored by default
    git commit --message "WIP add good snapshots"

    Since we can't merge the snapshots to main, don't forget to drop this commit when opening a pull request.

  • Compare the output of the branch you're working on with the good snapshots:

    cargo insta test --review --include-ignored