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bslib 0.7.0

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@cpsievert cpsievert released this 29 Mar 14:17
· 70 commits to main since this release

This large release includes many improvements and bug fixes for newer UI components like layout_columns(), card(), and sidebar(). In addition, the new input_task_button() offers a drop-in replacement for shiny::actionButton() (to prevent multiple submissions of the same operation) as well as pairing nicely with the new shiny::ExtendedTask for implementing truly non-blocking operations in Shiny.

New features

  • Added input_task_button(), a replacement for shiny::actionButton() that automatically prevents an operation from being submitted multiple times. It does this by, upon click, immediately transitioning to a "Processing..." visual state that does not let the button be clicked again. The button resets to its clickable state automatically after the reactive flush it causes is complete; or, for advanced scenarios, update_task_button() can be used to manually control when the button resets.

  • Both card() and value_box() now take an id argument that, when provided, is used to report the full screen state of the card or value box to the server. For example, when using card(id = "my_card", full_screen = TRUE) you can determine if the card is currently in full screen mode by reading the boolean value of input$my_card_full_screen. (#1006, #1032)

Changes & improvements

  • For sidebar():

    • The page-level sidebar for page_sidebar()/page_navbar() is now always open (and not collapsible) by default on mobile screens. To revert to the old behavior, set open = "desktop" in the sidebar. (#943)

    • open now accepts a list with mobile and desktop values to control the sidebar's initial state on each screen size, choosing from "open", "closed", or "always" (for an always-open sidebar that cannot be collapsed). (#943)

    • The collapse toggle now has a high z-index value to ensure it always appears above elements in the main content area. The sidebar overlay also now receives the same high z-index on mobile layouts. (#958)

  • Improved card(full_screen = TRUE, ...) accessibility:

    • Full-screen cards are now supported on mobile devices: the Expand card button is revealed when a user taps on the card (thanks @Damonsoul, #961).

    • The Expand card button is now accessible via keyboard navigation and appropriate ARIA attributes connect the card with the expand and close buttons.

    • For JavaScript-oriented users, the expansion/collapse is now accompanied by a custom bslib.card event with the full screen state reported in the event.detail.fullScreen property. (#959)

  • Improvements to the default theme (i.e., Shiny preset):

    • In the default theme, cards now use a slightly smaller shadow and the same shadow style is also now used by popovers. (#998)

    • Increased spacing between elements. This change is most noticeable in the layout_columns() or layout_column_wrap() component. In these and other components, you can use gap and padding arguments to choose your own values, or you can set the $bslib-spacer (Sass) or --bslib-spacer (CSS) variable. (#998)

  • For layout_columns():

    • col_widths now sets the sm breakpoint by default, rather than the md breakpoint. For example, col_widths = c(12, 6, 6) is now equivalent to breakpoints(sm = c(12, 6, 6)) rather than breakpoints(md = c(12, 6, 6)). (#1014)

    • When col_widths has a breakpoints() at lg or wider, it now uses a better default column width for the smaller breakpoints not listed in the col_widths value. That said, you can always include sm or md in your breakpoints() definition to have complete control over column widths at those sizes. (#931)

    • When row_heights is a non-breakpoints() object, that value is used for the row heights at all breakpoints. Previously, it was used for the row heights from "sm" up. (#931)

    • When an integer value for any breakpoint is provided to col_widths, a 12-unit grid is always used. For example, breakpoints(md = 3, lg = NA) will pick a best-fitting layout for large screen sizes using the 12-column grid. Previously, the best fit algorithm might adjust the number of columns as a shortcut to an easy solution. That shortcut is only taken when an auto-fit layout is requested for every breakpoint, e.g. col_widths = breakpoints(md = NA, lg = NA) or col_widths = NA. (#928)

    • Underlying logic moved from R to Typescript to improve the portability of the component. (#931)

  • value_box(), layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() now all have min_height and max_height arguments. These are useful in filling layouts, like page_fillable(), page_sidebar(fillable = TRUE) or page_navbar(fillable = TRUE). For example, you can use layout_columns(min_height = 300, max_height = 500) to ensure that a set of items (likely arranged in a row of columns) are always between 300 and 500 pixels tall. (#1016)

  • page_sidebar() now places the title element in a .navbar container that matches the structure of page_navbar(). This ensures that the title elements of page_sidebar() and page_navbar() have consistent appearance. (#998)

  • as_fillable_container(), as_fill_item() and as_fill_carrier() now always include the htmltools fill CSS dependency. This means that they are no longer usable with the $addAttr() htmltools::tagQuery method; authors should instead pass elements to the as_fillable_container() and as_fill_*() functions and use the css_selector argument to apply fill options to specific elements. (#946)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the page might be given a window title of NA if the primary title argument of a page function, such as page_sidebar(), is NULL or a suitable window title could not be inferred. (#933)

  • card()s (and value_box()s) now correctly exit full screen mode when they are removed from the UI. If you want to update a card without potentially exiting the full-screen mode, update specific parts of the card using uiOutput() or textOutput(). (#1005)

  • Fixed a handful of update_popover() bugs. (#747, #1017)

  • tooltip() and popover() now work as expected when inserted into a navbar/navset via nav_insert(). (#1020)

  • uiOutput() and conditionalPanel() no longer result in unwanted double padding when their parent container uses gap for spacing multiple elements (e.g., layout_columns(), page_fillable(), etc). (#992, #1031)

  • page_navbar() and navset_bar() now validate and transform padding and gap arguments into appropriate CSS values. (#991)

  • Fixed an issue where the xs breakpoint in a breakpoints() object used for row_heights in layout_columns() would override all other breakpoints. (#1014)