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bslib 0.6.0

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@cpsievert cpsievert released this 21 Nov 22:58
· 160 commits to main since this release

Breaking changes

  • bs_theme() now defaults to preset="shiny". This provides an additional set of theming defaults and rules that make it easier to create Shiny apps (in particular, dashboards) that look good out of the box. To revert to the previous behavior, set bs_theme(preset="bootstrap"). (#711)

  • value_box() no longer defaults to theme_color = "primary". To restore the previous behavior, please use theme = "primary". In addition to the default style change, the theme_color is now deprecated in favor of theme. (#758)

  • page_navbar() now defaults to underline = TRUE, meaning that navigation links in the navbar now have underline styling by default (set underline = FALSE to revert to previous behavior). (#784)

  • page() now returns a <body> tag instead of tagList(). This change allows page() to treat named arguments as HTML attributes for the <body> tag, making it possible to add page-level classes or other attributes. (#809)

  • The JS/CSS assets behind {bslib} components (e.g., card(), value_box(), etc) are all now bundled into one htmlDependency() and included with the return value of bs_theme_dependencies() (previously they were attached at the component-level). (#810)

  • layout_column_wrap() no longer requires width and width is no longer the first argument, meaning that width must be named if used. The new default is width = "200px", which combines with fixed_width = FALSE to produce a responsive layout where each column is at least 200px wide. This means that, in most cases, layout_column_wrap() can automatically layout an unknown number of items without you having to set width. (#853)

New features

  • The default version of Bootstrap is now v5.3.1, upgraded from v5.2.2. The most notable thing that comes with the update is the ability to toggle between light/dark color modes purely client-side (i.e., no calls to Sass required). (#749, #764)

  • Added input_dark_mode(), a new input control that provides a toggle button that can be used to switch between the dark and light modes when using Bootstrap 5.3. By default, dark mode is applied automatically if the user's operating system is also in dark mode. App authors can toggle dark mode programmatically from the server using toggle_dark_mode(), and if you provide input_dark_mode() with an id, you can read the current color mode via the corresponding input value. (#787)

  • Shiny's Bootstrap theme preset is now used by default in bs_theme() and all related page_*() functions in bslib. This theme brings a fresh new design to all Shiny apps and dashboards created with bslib. This dashboard design anticipates heavy use of cards for organizing content, and works best with a gray background for contrast with minimalistic white cards. This treatment can be enabled in page_sidebar(), page_fillable() and other page_*() functions by adding the bslib-page-dashboard class to the page container or body tag.

    The preset can also be customized using the $bslib-dashboard-design and $bslib-enable-shadows Sass variables. Set these to false to disable the dashboard treatment and card shadows, respectively. These variables can be set via bs_theme(), e.g. bs_theme("bslib-dashboard-design" = "false"). (#897, #906)

  • value_box() has been updated with a number of new features and improvements:

    • value_box() now supports many new themes and styles, or fully customizable themes using the new value_box_theme() function. To reflect the new capabilities, we've replaced theme_color with a new theme argument. The previous argument will continue work as expected, but with a deprecation warning. (#758)

      In addition to the Bootstrap theme names (primary ,secondary, etc.), you can now use the main Boostrap colors (purple, blue, red, etc.). You can also choose to apply the color to the background or foreground by prepending a bg- or text- prefix to the theme or color name. Finally, we've also added new gradient themes allowing you to pair any two color names as bg-gradient-{from}-{to} (e.g., bg-gradient-purple-blue).

      These named color themes aren't limited to value boxes: because they're powered by small utility classes, you can use them anywhere within your bslib-powered UI.

    • Added showcase_bottom(), a new value_box() layout that places the showcase below the value box title and value, perfect for a full-bleed plot. (#758)

    • showcase_left_center() and showcase_top_right() no longer take two values for the width argument. Instead, they now take a single value (e.g., width = "30%") representing the width of the showcase are in the value box. Furthermore, they've both gained width_full_screen arguments that determine the width of the showcase area when the value box is expanded to fill the screen. (#758)

    • The showcase_layout argument of value_box() now accepts one of three character values: "left center", "top right", "bottom". (#758)

    • A new Build a Box app is now available online or via bslib. See ?value_box() for details. The app helps preview a set of value boxes while you configure and customize their appearance and provides you with code to copy and paste into your app. (#790)

  • Added new navset_underline() & navset_card_underline() functions as well as a underline argument to page_navbar() to leverage the new nav-underline styling on navigation links. (#784)


  • The bs_themer() app now supports previewing the dark mode variant of Bootstrap 5 themes. (#767)

  • Improved the style and appearance of the button to enter full screen in card()s and value_box()es to better adapt to Bootstrap's dark mode. (#780)

  • htmltools::save_html() now works as expected when applied directly to components (e.g., card(), etc) and pages with a non-default theme. (#823, #815)

  • layout_sidebar() received a new design. The button to collapse and expand the sidebar now appears at the top (instead of the bottom) of the sidebar. On mobile devices, the sidebar now fills the layout_sidebar() area as an overlay, rather than expanding from above the main content area. Note the max_mobile_height argument of sidebar() determines the maximum height of the sidebar area on mobile, but it now only applies when open = "always". (#798)

  • layout_sidebar() now uses an <aside> element for the sidebar's container and a <header> element for the sidebar title. The classes of each element remain the same, but the semantic meaning of the elements is now better reflected in the HTML markup. (#580)

  • In layout_column_wrap(), when width is a CSS unit -- e.g. width = "400px" or width = "25%" -- and fixed_width = FALSE, layout_column_wrap() will ensure that the columns are at least width wide, unless the parent container is narrower than width. (#851)

  • bs_global_theme() gains a preset argument to match the function signature of bs_theme(). (#896)

Bug fixes

  • toggle_switch() now works correctly when called from within a Shiny module. update_switch() worked as expected, but toggle_switch() didn't apply the module's namespace to the id of the switch to be updated. (#769)

  • Filter controls in the popovers of DT::datatable() tables now better match the current Bootstrap theme and are responsive to the dark mode setting in Bootstrap 5.3. (#267, #775).

  • A double border no longer appears when an accordion is used inside a sidebar(open="always") context. (#795)

  • layout_sidebar() no longer gives the sidebar main content area the role="main" attribute. (#580)