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Static Site Generator (SSG)

Exports HTML pages from your SPA


module.exports = {
  sitemap: 'path/to/a-list-of-urls.json',
  template: 'dist/__index.html',
  script: 'dist/main.js',
  outputDir: 'dist'

open your terminal and type

npx spank

spank can also be used without a config. Use npx spank --help for parameters.

Config options

prop default description
sitemap array of paths. Eg. ['/', '/about', '/contact']. Can also be a path to a .js file exporting an array of paths. Eg. ./sitemap.js
template dist/__app.html path to the HTML template to render the SPA in. Often static/index.html
script dist/build/bundle.js Path to the app script. Often dist/build/bundle.js or dist/build/main.js
outputDir dist Folder to save HTML files to.
forceIndex false Write /about to about/index.html instead of about.html
inlineDynamicImports false Required if app uses dynamic imports
concurrently 3 Max simultaneous running jobs
eventName If specified, HTMLs aren't saved till the page has emitted the event.
host http://jsdom.ssr Simulated host
blacklist [] List of paths to be ignored. Regular expressions are supported when using spank.config.js
depth 2 How far to crawl any path in the sitemap
ssrOptions {} Options to be passed to tossr
transform (html, url) => html Callback for transforming HTML

How does it work?

For each path in the sitemap, Spank creates a corresponding SPA in a simulated browser. Spank will crawl pages in the sitemap as far as depth is set. The HTML for each page is then saved to the output folder.