A monorepo containing the following projects:
Monkey language was created to showcase the different topics the book covers. It has a similar syntax as the C language and some of its features are:
- Variable bindings
- Integers and booleans
- Arithmetic expressions
- Built-in functions
- First-class and higher-order functions
- Closures
- A string, array and hash data structure
A simple Monkey program, that declares two variables and a function that returns the addition of two parameters:
let five = 5;
let ten = 10;
let add = fn(x, y) {
x + y;
let result = add(five, ten);
An online code editor to let users try out the different features of the language.
A Helidon MP microservice architecture that runs the entire business logic of the project.
A microservice that handles the entire playground logic such as creating new playgrounds (from scratch or from an already prepared template) and keeping a history for a given playground.
A microservice that exposes the monkey interpreter. It waits for incoming requests with programs that have to be evaluated and returns the result from the compiler.
A React web application that uses the monaco editor to let users try the monkey features.
From a CLI where docker compose is installed.
docker-compose --env-file dev.env build --no-cache --progress=plain
docker-compose up