multiplayer snake game build with websocket
cd server
npm start
cd client
npm start
docker build -t wsnake ./
docker run -i --rm -p 3000:3000 --env PORT=3000 wsnake:latest
To enable hot-seat mode go to /previewer
It will create a new game and show screen with lobby and QR code to scan and join the game.
QR code directs to /join?gameId=<game-id>
path. It adds the connected player to the room immediately after entering the link.
Game view is adjusted for mobile devices when joining from /join
path - instead of game screen it displays arrow keys to control the snake. Other screens remain the same as for desktop.
To start the game at least 2 players need to be in the room and be marked as ready.
Current game finishes when all snakes are dead. The client with /previewer
path - creates new game and displays the same screen as above. For clients using /join
path - screen informing to scan the QR code once again is displayed