h5control enables your web-based apps using javascript to communicate with Arduino units and remotely control digital/analog IO, motors, servos, LED lights, sensors etc.
Quick Start Guide http://robinz.org/labs/h5control
download a full package of h5control distribution from http://robinz.org/labs/downloads/h5control_full.zip
h5connect is a service executable for Windows, MacOS and Linux. The source project can be recompiled with Qt 5 libraries. The service sets up a bridge for the intercommunications between a USB-connected Arduino hardware and a html5-based app runs h5control.js javascript .
The html code of your user web app must include a javascript file named h5control.js that provides the necessary drive to configure and control Arduino IO in your javascript program.
For detailed introduction of the concept and a complete tutorial, please see example html files.
In order to make your Arduino work with h5control, a sketch named rioc-arduino must be uploaded to your Arduino board. See also https://github.com/robinz-labs/rioc-arduino