This is a Next.js 13 non-experimental app using NextAuth for authentication (using github, google and custom email and password), Prisma for comunicating with a simple database deployed on Atlas, using SWR for data fetching, Zustand for state management ala React useContext and TailwindCSS for layout and styling.
So basically, you can log in using email and password or your Gihbub and Google accounts.
Then in the app you can browse and play movies as well as add them to your favorites and read brief descriptions on each one of them quickly.
If you clone teh repo you will need a few local environment variables
DATABASE_URL='<Mine is on Atlas>'
GITHUB_SECRET='<Same as above>'
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID='<Get it on Google Cloud>'
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET='<Same as above>'
If you deploy do not forget to change your credentials on Goggle and especially Github since the latest only takes one per project and you be redirected to whatever address you setup for development (usually http://localhost:3000)
To fire up the project just use your package manager of choice
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
By default, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.