Original plugin by iHWY. I have upgraded it and it is now compatible with jQuery 1.9.1
<link rel="stylesheet" href="listnav.css">
<ul id="myList">...</ul>
<script src="jquery-listnav-2.2.min.js"></script>
initLetter: '', // filter the list to a specific letter on init ('a'-'z', '-' [numbers 0-9], '_' [other])
includeAll: true, // Include the ALL button
incudeOther: false, // Include a '...' option to filter non-english characters by
includeNums: true, // Include a '0-9' option to filter by
flagDisabled: true, // Add a class of 'ln-disabled' to nav items with no content to show
removeDisabled: false, // Remove those 'ln-disabled' nav items (flagDisabled must be set to true for this to function)
noMatchText: 'No matching entries', // set custom text for nav items with no content to show
showCounts: true, // Show the number of list items that match that letter above the mouse
cookieName: null, // Set this to a string to remember the last clicked navigation item requires jQuery Cookie Plugin ('myCookieName')
onClick: null, // Set a function that fires when you click a nav item. see Demo 5
prefixes: [], // Set an array of prefixes that should be counted for the prefix and the first word after the prefix ex: ['the', 'a', 'my']
filterSelector: '' // Set the filter to a CSS selector rather than the first text letter for each item