A QML wrapper for Asteroid, a javascript client (browser and node) for a Meteor backend.
##Table of contents
Meteor is an awesome platform, but its canonical front-end is not very flexible. Asteroid gives the possibility to connect to a Meteor backend with any JS app. Qondrite in turn makes this possible to do in any QML app.
##Background and Demo video (screenshots or it didn't happen)
Dependencies (installed as git subtrees)
q.js from https://github.com/achipa/q/blob/v1/q.js
asteroid from https://github.com/achipa/asteroid/blob/master/dist/asteroid.qml.js
ddp.js from https://github.com/achipa/ddp.js/blob/master/src/ddp.js
JSONListModel from https://github.com/achipa/qml-utils/blob/master/JSONListModel/JSONListModel.qml
Log.js from https://github.com/krnekit/qml-utils/blob/master/qml/Log.js
Use Qondrite.qml as follows:
Qondrite {
id: asteroid
meteor_url: "localhost:3000"
onOpen: statusText = "Connection to " + url + " established";
onClose: statusText = "Connection closed";
onError: statusText = "Error: " + errorString;
Example self-contained Qt project using Qondrite: