Static server that hosts Firefox Account sign up, sign in, email verification, etc. flows.
Follow the instructions on: fxa-local-dev
The above link helps to install the following pre-requisites, and set up a development environment.
- node 0.10.x
- npm
- Grunt
- libgmp
- fxa-local-dev - Please note that this is the preferred way of contributing to Firefox Accounts.
Make sure that fxa-local-dev servers are running. The fxa-content-server will listen on by default.
Note: If you have issues with npm install
please update to npm 2.0+ using npm install -g npm@2
(Issue #1594)
To run the content server via Docker, three steps are required:
$ docker build --rm -t mozilla/fxa_content_server .
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/opt/fxa mozilla/fxa_content_server npm install
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/opt/fxa --net=host mozilla/fxa_content_server
This method shares the codebase into the running container so that you can install npm and various modules required by package.json. It then runs FxA content server in a container, while allowing you to use your IDE of choice from your normal desktop environment to develop code.
Be sure to copy server/config/local.json-dist to server/config/local.json per usual before the final docker invocation to run the service.
Note to boot2docker users: you must edit your server/config/local.json to use the correct IP of your boot2docker VM. Check with the command: boot2docker ip
Then replace the public_url IP address in local.json that reads: "public_url": "" with the IP that you noted above. It should be something like
To stop the container, first try CTRL+C. If that does not work, run docker ps |grep fxa_content_server
to get the hexadecimal Container ID (the first column of output). Run docker stop nnnnnnnnnnnn
where the nnnn part is the Container ID.
- Java JDK or JRE (
- Selenium Server 2.46.0 (Download)
- Run Selenium Server
e.g. in shell form:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.46.0.jar
To run tests locally with Selenium:
npm test
To change the default auth server edit server/config/*.json
on your deployed instance.
"fxaccount_url": ""
Note that testing with Selenium via Docker does not work at present, so all testing must be carried out via your normal operating system's npm & Java tooling.
Grunt is used to run common tasks to build, test, and run local servers.
grunt build |
build production resources. See task source for more documentation |
grunt clean |
remove any built production resources. |
grunt lint |
run ESLint, JSONLint, and JSCS (code style checker) on client side and testing JavaScript. |
grunt server |
run a local server running on port 3030 with development resources. |
grunt server:dist |
run a local server running on port 3030 with production resources. Production resources will be built as part of the task. |
grunt test |
run local Intern tests. |
grunt version |
stamp a new minor version. Updates the version number and creates a new |
grunt version:patch |
stamp a new patch version. Updates the version number and creates a new |
- latest development -
- testing -
- stage -
- production -
MPL 2.0