Basic Sellsy API proxy; add CORS for full client side apps.
Server is deployed with consumer
oauth keys and client must give its sellsy oauth token in each request.
Start the server with all the consumer API keys as environment variables
set CONSUMER_KEY="xxx";
npm start
There are two ways to query the sellsy API :
Replace the default sellsy API endpoint with your proxy URL and it will relay all calls.
Also works with node-sellsy endPoint
Using GET
method, pass method
and params
url query parameters, following Sellsy API docs.
must be URL encoded.
Also add oauth headers for the proxy :
// call to the API
const makeProxyRequest = ({ endPoint, method, params }) => {
// create the proxy URL
var urlParams = encodeURIComponent(params);
// build url for the proxy
var url = `${endPoint}?method=${method}¶ms=${urlParams}`;
// use native fetch API and convert to JSON
var request = new Request(url, {
headers: new Headers({
'X-USER-TOKEN': 'aaa',
'X-USER-SECRET': 'bbb',
mode: 'cors'
return fetch(request).then(r => r.json()).catch(e => {
console.log('e', e);
throw e;
endPoint: '',
method: 'Document.getList',
params: JSON.stringify({
doctype: 'invoice',
search: {
contains: 'test',
}).then(data => {
You'll get the raw result from the Sellsy API.