Material for the Julia workshop at SUStech taking place from 5th till 7th October 2022.
What you need for the workshop (quick overview):
- Julia 1.8
- Jupyter and IJulia.jl
- This repository of workshop materials
- All required dependencies (Julia packages) for the workshop
For following the course you will need at least Julia 1.8.
The recommended way to obtain Julia is juliaup
curl -fsSL | sh
Alternatively Julia can be obtained in binary form from Julia downloads.
To get the remaining files and dependencies
start up julia
and in the resulting REPL shell,
copy and paste the following:
import Downloads
script ="")
This downloads the install.jl script and runs it from julia. Follow the instructions on the screen and start the Jupyter notebook server with the command that will be printed.
As an alternative you can also also run the following commands manually
(this requires to have git
and julia
available from the commandline):
git clone
cd 2022-sustech-julia-workshop
julia install-manual.jl
If you are facing issues, check out
the great troubleshooting section
from the WorkshopWizard package by Carsten Bauer (which install.jl
is using).
There is a section in the 00_Installation notebook with a few quick commands to check everything works as expected.
Click on the
badge to work with these notes online (without a local Julia installation).
Note that for some of the exercises the computational performance available on
binder might not be sufficient.