aka Node.js Crash Course for .NET Developers
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Download and install Node.js
- Visual Studio Code (free cross-platform editor for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)
- Visual Studio Community 2015 (free Visual Studio IDE for Windows)
- Atom (free cross-platform editor from GitHub)
- Express - fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
- Vash template engine with Razor syntax
- Electron - Desktop application shell that Atom uses
- Edge.js GitHub project - run .NET code/libraries from Node.js (and vice versa)
- Edge.js overview
- Why Node.js is Becoming the Go-To Technology in the Enterprise by Cian O'Maidin
- What is Node.js used for: The 2015 Node.js Overview Report by Gabor Nagy
- Hosting Node.js on Microsoft Azure by David Neal
- Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio by Scott Hanselman
- Painless SQL Server with Node.js and Seriate by David Neal
- UPDATED for 2015: How to install the nodejs Ghost blog software on Azure Web Apps (and the Deploy to Azure Button) by Scott Hanselman
- Awesome Node.js - Curated list of Node.js packages and resources
- Node.js for Beginners - Huge list of resources for Node.js newbies
- NPM Library
- WatchMeCode Intro to NodeJS training videos
- WatchMeCode Pro ExpressJS training videos
- Pluralsight video course: Node.js for .NET Developers
- Pluralsight video course: RESTful Web Services with Node.js and Express
- "Node.js in Action" by Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk and Nathan Rajlich
- "Node.js in Practice" by Alex Young and Marc Harter