Replace REPOSLUG with your repo slug.
cp test/.env.example test/.env
npm i
npm run dev
open http://localhost:3000/
The styleguide from the plattform
is available on S3 as a tar ball.
The pattern is:$BRANCH.tgz$COMMIT_ID.tgz
Make sure to run the install with legacy peer deps: npm i --legacy-peer-deps
. If you want to update to the latest version of a branch without a commit id make sure to first clean your cache. For example installing the latest main commit:
npm cache clean -f
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
Commits need to pass styleguide tests to be uploaded. The upload is performed through a github action on push and can be inspected in case of issues, usually takes 3 minutes from pushing to beeing available on S3.
You may also use a local styleguide, just use a realative path instead of the S3 url, e.g. like this:
npm i ../plattform/packages/styleguide
npm run build
npm run deploy
Goto$id and enter:
If you change asset files be sure to purge those too.