Maintenance and security update.
This version is, and will be, the last minor version of v5, it prepare Dédalo to the next major version, v6. With this version, V5 enter in the maintenance state and now, only issues or bugs will develop. New features or tools will be added only to v6.
This update add pagination feature to thesaurus tree.
- Added box elements model detection in time_machine data to prevent errors in component construction
- Added new tool_administration feature 'delete_sections' to easy delete massive sections preserving the Time Machine version
- Added support for check_safe_value -> group 'CONCAT' commands
- Add some resolution cases for diffusion RDF
- Re-added maxmind-db files
- Added resolve_indexation_fragments error control log when result is empty
- Added method get_value_code to component_select_lang class. (used from diffusion to convert locator value to lang code like 'lg-cat')
- Added subtitles optional get value 'advice_text'
- Added diffusion database_alias option to overwrite 'table' and 'table_alias' from original (numisdata catalog case for example)
- Added .htaccess old Apache versions (<2.4) compatibility
- Added ontology utils file for easy csv export
- Add link to component_iri at portal_list
- Add link render for component_iri when is caller by portals in portal_list mode
- Added class ts_object -> get_childrens_data method multi term option. Now, more than one term value can be used like name + surname cases
- Added modo='search' exception to component_common get_instance section check (debug) to allow search thesaurus components list
- Added updates.php index matrix_rsc86_gin and matrix_rsc85_gin creation scripts ready to add in next update
- Added thesaurus pagination feature
- Added thesaurus search virtual sections tipo option. Now, real section tipo is calculated in class search_development2->get_components_from_section method
- Added trigger tool_administration update_dedalo_code function new features: regenerate css files (maybe current installation structure.css file is never than git structure.css file) and regenerate js lang labels files
- Added log message to SAML login sequence to easy track user login sequence
- Add diffusion_element_alias to diffusion
- Added notes to sample.config file
- Added component_pdf and tool_pdf_versions original quality feature. Now, a source document (non PDF) can be added as original quality. - Added download mimes doc,docx,odp,odt,pages to manage this documents. Remember to add configuration new constant 'DEDALO_PDF_QUALITY_ORIGINAL' and the allowed extensions in constant 'DEDALO_PDF_EXTENSIONS_SUPPORTED'
- Add publication info components in section to be searchable
- Removed jquery unnecessary lib files
- Removed nvd3 unnecessary lib files
- Fixed json encode error when get_filtered_relations param 'relations_data_string' is empty
- Fixed error on normalize quotes in not string values (tool export raw get_valor_dedalo)
- Fixed error when component_input_text search's find only first value of their array value (Catalog Obulco case)
- Fixed catch error on publication web_data where invalid SQL generated string was stop the execution. Now a error response is returned (besides an error log notification)
- Fixed Ontology dd_edit small issues
- Fixed error where method process_result->resolve_indexation_fragments was not mandatory static
- Fixed rows_activity error on some wrong value context
- Fixed diffusion value issues with empty values on PHP 8.1
- Fixed section bug when section cached and same section not cached are managed as different sections overwriting data on save. Now, get_my_section method is used when is available in components
- Fixed component_common->split_query check error when try to check $query_object->q strpos
- Fixed issue on dd_init_test PSQL check with empty response
- Fixed ontology form submit duplicity issue when a new term is created. Now enter the fields, press the ENTER key, don't submit the form, just click the 'Modify' button
- Fixed ontology possible infinite loop when empty tern_id is received twice
- Fixed ontology cache bug where method tipo_to_json_item returns inconsistent cached value from previous DB call
- Fixed tool_import_dedalo_csv issue with non-utf8 files blocking tool preview of files
- Fixed auto_detect_line_endings error on method read_csv_file_as_array (class.tool_common.php)
- Fix lang import for nomisma rdf model
- Fixed issue with document encoding detection in tool_common -> read_csv_file_as_array
- Fixed export structure (Ontology) issues when master user privileges generates a import error
- Fix export when users order after search
- Fixed error on clean install sequence that creates a infinite loop
- Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility issues in class diffusion_sql
- Fixed component_geolocation method get_diffusion_value_as_geojson check issue when value is empty
- Fixed bug search_tipos when value is array (component_relation_children, component_relation_parent)
- Fixed compare null values error on tool_ts_print
- Fixed open_data_link inspector function issues with non Apache servers
- Fixed ontology class wrong type definition
- Fixed issue with component_input_text render_list_value resolution when 'with_lang_versions' is active in thesaurus_list mode
- Fixed tool_indexation css issue where component_text_area tag selection creates a unnecessary page scrollbar
- Fixed error where no default temp preset is loaded in search init
- Fix regex to get tag with spaces
- Fixed publication API incoherence about charset encoding. Now, all connections will be use charset=utf8mb4
- Fixed minor PHP8.1 component_date issues and code clean up
- Fixed error in component_json edit mode where read only mode (permissions <2) shows data wrongly. Cleanup code too
- Fix permissions check for section publication components
- Updated sample.config4.php file with more constants and comments
- Updated core functions to_string to deal with associative array values
- Updated MySQL connection defaults from utf8 to utf8mb4 to support 4 bytes uf8 chars in publication to MySQL (legends cases for instance)
- Updated swagger.json file in publication API server docu from 1.0.21 to 1.0.23
- Updated base structure.css and langs js files
- Updated Dédalo base css and lang js files
Other changes
- Changed fallback no logged url in ontology pages to preserve v6 compatibility
- Ontology code clean and PHP8 compatibility issues fixed
- Improved build_version_from_git_master response messages for easy debug
- Clean code of build_version_from_git_master function
- Restored core_function 'to_string' null result values to '' instead 'null'
- Improved install hierarchies. Now development users can install additional hierarchies anytime
- Changed thesaurus default search limit from 10 to 100
- Revert "Added thesaurus search virtual sections tipo option. Now, real section tipo is calculated in class search_development2->get_components_from_section method"
- Clean up code ImageMagick class
- Improved button diffusion label name to able to identify publication target database
- Changed default ts_object pagination limit from 100 to 300
- Clean up class diffusion code