Maintenance and security update.
This update review the code for compatibility with PHP8.1
This update change the jquery-ui
- Added IS EXACTLY EQUAL == operator to component_input_text to allow saerchches with @> operator (case Ontologies term_id dd1475)
- Added component_json read only mode controled by properties
- Added Ontology functionality (update_json_ontology_items) to save every change in structure data to the new created JSON Ontology Item field
- Added new queue sql commands to append to the next update data config
- Added Publication API docu viewer optional param 'lang' to easy sync Dédalo data lang and Publication API lang
- Added 'component_svg' as excluded search component to prevent user select this component as searchable
- Added to tool_administration the publication code
- Added try catch to JSON.parse(wrapper.dataset.dato) on recursive_groups function to prevent bad data blocks the search
- Added 'norder' and 'propiedades' to diffusion_sql on resolve_jer_dd_data
- Added component_json search mode
- Added missing property 'fragment_terms' on publication method get_fragment_from_index_locator
- Added SAML error log info to easy follow user login errors
- Added component_json escaped slashes to allow search text inside JSON data
- Added tool_docu options to hide the section inspector
- Added function 'valid_tipo' for verify some tipos like config MAIN_FALLBACK_SECTION that can cause infinite loops in the installation process or in config errors
- Added global search custom columns (MDCAT)
- Added component_semantic_node compatibility options (update_portal_dato)
- Add view_gilph_small
- Added 'is_literal' option in the publication web_data field safe control
- Added publication class.diffusion mysql check for column exists. If not exists, a new column will be created automatically
- Added method 'resolve_indexation_fragments' to class 'process_result'. Updated Publication API swagger updated file
- Added posterframe to web_data::build_fragment method
- Removed web_data class locator dependency in method get_indexation_terms
- Removed component_filter unused methods
- Removed component_common split_query option for component_json search
- Fixed window.opener refresh issue on dd_edit.js
- Fixed class.ontology minor msg vars errors
- Fixed web_data error when no sql filter is passed (build_sql_where). Now a empty string is return
- Fixed button publish input levels issue on Safari
- Fixed issue when ontology term edit not save empty object '{}' as expected empty value
- Fixed/Unlocked Ontology obs field to allow manual remove old values
- Fixed component_filter stats error when project values was not calculated correctly
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecated and more strict code issues
- Fixed error in Ontology RecordObj_dd->get_properties. Now default param 'json_decode' is restored to true
- Fixed error in web_data ar_fields check that do not it did not contemplate unicode characters like 'ñ'
- Fixed error in publication class free_node::get_free_fragments where marks were erased before indexation tags calculation
- Fixed minor ontology css and js issues
- Fixed Ontology css issues
- Fixed descriptors error on delete lang term
- Fixed minor var checks on JSON and string values
- Fixed inc/btn.php tag [/index detection issue from server REQUEST_URI when url is encoded (chars like [] are not detected)
- Fixed error on get Ontology model correctly (var 'visible' was overwritten by another script)
- Fix component_semantic_node issues in both search and edit mode
- Fixed issue with duplicate square brackets in resolve_query_object_sql. Now, first and last are removed before process
- Fixed search issue of component_semantic_node when empty value has searched as null value
- Fixed search value display error on component_json
- Fixed issue in web_data free search in literal mode. Remove possible quotes added and force add new ones
- Fixed error in web_data::get_fragment_from_index_locator where indexation_terms were not correctly passed to the next call
- Fixed error where main_dd counter is not updated when creating a new hierarchy
- Fixed diffusion_mysql error where automatic columns 'section_id', 'section_tipo,', 'lang' generating errors whe columns are added to a existing tables
- Fixed publication web_data get_PDO_connection error where port was not send into the dsn string
- Updated dd_tipos with new json_item tipo (ONTOLOGY_SECTION_TIPOS)
- Updated Publication API docu swagger ui json file from v1.0.17 to v1.0.18. Improved description about /thesaurus_root_list use
- Updated Publication API docu ui swagger file with tag 'Legacy Thesaurus'
- Updated swagger JSON file definitions
- Updated main structure.css and js lang files
- Updated login set password and install redirection from default to tool_administration
- Updated structure css and js lang files
- Updated Publication API JSON swagger definitions version to 1.0.20
- Updated process_result::sum_totals function
- Updated jquery-ui to 1.13.0
Other changes
- Clean component_input_text html code
- Clean class JSON_RecordDataBoundObject code. Removed unnecessary exceptions and clarify data flows
- Clean class backup code. Unified terminal execution calls
- Change the viewing_glyphs_small
- Clean diffusion mysql code
- Refactorized diffusion_mysql add_column method
- Clean Publication class DBi code
- Clean code web_data::get_fragment_from_index_locator method. Unified response as object
- Re-factorized web_data functions get_publication_schema, get_table_fields, get_all_tables to use DDO connection