Maintenance and security update.
- Fixed component text area bug that given bad results on user non empty value searches
- Fixed error on component text area get dato function that it would overwrite the value with 'array()' when the value is array (wrong importations case for example)
- Fixed component text area dato checking error
- Fixed var name mistake in web_data free_search
- Fixed component number error when is used to order result as string instead number
- Fixed tool upload issues with large files (proxy_fcgi:error (104)Connection reset by peer)
- Fixed error on diffusion_section_stats when user activity data was only calculated it until yesterday instead of today
- Fixed error on RecordObj_dd when function GET_COUNTER_VALUE returned empty results
- Fixed FFMPEG conversion issue when aspect ratio is not square (camera files for example). Videos are now playable in Safari and Firefox
- Fixed security vulnerabilities in public api
- Fixed bug in web_data::get_PDO_connection when count losses the db_name
- Fixed error non defined var in component_select when permissions are 1
- Fixed codification issues in tool export (Dédalo raw mode)
- Added DD_TIPOS new constant DEDALO_HIERARCHY_SOURCE_REAL_SECTION_TIPO (to set source section when 'Generate' is triggered in Hierarchy section)
- Added duplicate values prevention on relation_list get_diffusion_value
- Added link to dedalo.dev in login page
- Added TLD input user validation to eliminate invalid values temptations
- Added button trigger confirm dialog before exec
- Added button trigger css parser from structure in css.php
- Added user restrictions in section Hierarchy (hierarchy1). Only user developers can edit and delete sections now
- Added/fixed component_input_text TLD values validation from section Hierarchy. Unique values and regex validations where added
- Added Hierarchy alternative original section source to create a new Hierarchy
- Removed class tools exec("ps -o rss -p $pid) function. Changed by native PHP 'memory_get_usage'
- Removes unused swagger yaml file
- Optimized component section_id sequence search using IN() instead OR in operator
- Minor Ontology css fixes