Update version to 5.5.59
This version is a maintenance versión with several fixes and bugs removal.
- Fix bug in component_common::get_value_with_fallback_from_dato_full that not change returned value when lang is changed (publication, etc.)
- Fix bug in components get_valor($lang) when using lang, to prevent value to be cached
- Fix error on load security xml classes by SAML login
- Moved method get_diffusion_resolve_value from component_autocomplete to component_common.
- Added method component_info get_diffusion_dato using widget dato response
- Fix search_development2 children recursive bug on pagination. Now no limit is applied to first search
- Fix empty values inclusion on resolve term.
- Fix error on component_autocomplete_hi in search mode when search term is array
- Added class.process_result.php as auxiliar class to search than allow postprocess results
- Updated method component_relation_parent->get_diffusion_value adding ts_object::get_term_dato_by_locator method
- Added component_relation_parent -> get_diffusion-value -> custom_get_term_by_locator resolution
- Added parents_recursive publication when in thesaurus section
- Re-enabled resolved_static cache in diffusion_sql update_record method
- Fix bug in class component_relation_common->Save where table relations data is not deleted when component data is deleted. (!) Its recomended to run adminitration tool 'generate_relations_table_data' to force relations table data regeneration.
- Fix inspector issue on small screens