Maintenance and security update.
- Add dataframe_search mode in component_check_box
- Add dataframe_search mode in component_common
- Add dataframe as component in search functionality
- Add literal to component_autocomplete_hi to search without parents
- Added publication server API feature: get_table_thesaurus_map and get_table_thesaurus to allow web developers easy access to server config about thesaurus. Updated swagger.json ui too (v1.0.24)
- Added 'Deprecated' label to publication API ui Thesaurus Legacy
- Added diffusion method map_locator_to_boolean
- Added component_autocomplete_hi json controller file (added 15-11-2022 to Numismatic tool sort)
- Fix Dataframe load checkbox for search
- Fix to get permissions for dataframe_search
- Fixed class exec issue where execution aync fails on exec_sh_file
- Fixed error where tool_export values with html chars like '<10' breaks the output in standard format
- Fixed global_search error where filter 'theme' were use LIKE instead =
- Fixed time machine behavior when previous dato is not already saved. Now, time machine save previous dato if not found in time_machine table
- Fixed save_time_machine time_machine_section_id error on undefined case (new record)
- Fixed PHP v8 issues with bad json data in web_data class
- Fixed component_number to search with < operator, now it avoid the empty values, empty !== 0 when search < than any value
- Remove dataframe in search_autocomplete