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A simple cheatsheet for Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges.

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Daftar isi

John The Ripper

Bruteforce File

john --wordlist=[WORDLIST] [FILE]

Show Format List

john --list=formats

Bruteforce Hash

john --formats=[HASH] [FILE]

PDF2John Online Tool

PDF2John Command

/usr/share/john/ [FILE] > [HASH FILE]

ZIP2John Command

zip2john [FILE]


Bruteforce Password


Bruteforce Via HTTP


Example :

hydra -V -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-get-form "/DVWA/vulnerabilities/brute:username=admin&password=^PASS^:Username and/or password incorrect."


Aggresive & Verbose Scan

nmap -v -A [IP]  

Vuln scan

nmap -sV -vv --script vuln [IP]


Directory Enumeration

gobuster dir -u [URL] -w [WORDLIST] 


SQL Injection from File

sqlmap -r [FILE LOCATION] --dbs

SQL Dump

sqlmap -r [FILE LOCATION] --dump

Example :

sqlmap -r [FILE LOCATION] --dbs

Reverse Shell

Python Spawning Bash

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Export Shell

export SHELL=bash
export TERM=xterm-256color


Show Iptables with Numbers

iptables -L --line-numbers

Remove All Rules

iptables -F

Delete Spesific Rule

iptables -D [CHAIN] [NUMBER]

Example :

iptables -D INPUT 3

Save Permanently Iptables

sudo /sbin/iptables-save

Filter Packet from Spesific Port

iptables -A [CHAIN] -p [PROTOCOL] --dport [PORT] -j [ACCEPT/DROP]

Example :

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP



Name Extensions Command
Zsteg PNG, BMP zsteg [FILE]
Steghide JPG/JPEG, AV, AU steghide info [FILE] ; steghide extract -sF [FILE]
Stegsolve JPG, PNG, BMP ./stegsolve.jar
Binwalk JPG, PNG, BMP binwalk -e [FILE]
Jsteg JPG jsteg reveal [IMAGE JPG] [FILE OUTPUT]
Foremost * foremost

Reverse Engineering

CLI Tools

  • strings
  • ltrace
  • r2 -d
  • gdb

GUI Tools

  • Ghidra (Linux)
  • IDA (Windows)



Name Notes Type 64-bit long 32-bit int 16-bit short 8-bit char
rax Values are returned from functions in this register. scratch rax eax ax ah and al
rcx Typical register. Some instructions also use it as a counter. scratch rcx ecx cx ch and cl
rdx Scratch register. scratch rdx edx dx dh and dl
rbx Preserved register: don't use it without saving it! preserved rbx ebx bx bh and bl
rsp The stack pointer. Point to the top of the stack preserved rsp esp sp spl
rsi Scratch register used to pass function argument #2 in 64-bit Linux. In 64-bit Windows, a preserved register. scratch rsi esi si sil
rdi Scratch register and function argument #1 in 64-bit Linux. In 64-bit Windows, a preserved register. scratch rdi edi di dil

Memory Access

C/C++ datatype Bits Bytes Register Access memory Allocate memory
char 8 1 al BYTE [ptr] db
short 16 2 ax WORD [ptr] dw
int 32 4 eax DWORD [ptr] dd
long 63 8 rax QWORD [ptr] dq

Instructions (basically identical to 32-bit x86)

Mnemonic Purpose Examples
mov dest,src Move data between registers, load immediate data into registers, move data between registers and memory. mov rax 4,; Load constant into rax mov rdx,rax ; Copy rax into rdx mov rdx,[123] ; Copy rdx to memory address 123
push src Insert a value onto the stack.Useful for passing arguments, saving registers, etc. push rbp
pop dest Remove topmost from the stack. Equivalent to "mov dest, [rsp]; add 8,rsp" pop rbp
cmp a,b Compare two values. Sets flags that are used by the conditional jumps (below). cmp rax,10
jmp label Goto the instruction label. Skips anything else in the way jmp post_mem mov [0],rax ; Write to NULL! post_mem: ; OK here...
add dest,src dest=dest+src add rax,rdx ; Add rbx to rax
jl label Goto label if previous comparison came out as less-than. OPther Conditionals avaible are: jle (<=), je (==), jge (>=), jg (>), jne(!=), jb (<), jbe (<=), ja (>), jae (>=). jl loop_start; Jump if rax<10

C Programming


gcc -g [file] -o [output]


Placeholder Describe
%d Integer
%c Char
%s String
%O Octal
%p An adress (pointer)
%x Hexdecimal
%f Floats
%x Hexdecimal

Standard Library String Functions

Library Function Describe
strlen Finds length of a string
strlwr Converts a string to lowercase
strupr Converts a string to uppercase
strcat Appends one string at the end of another
strncat Appends first n characters of a string at the end of another
strcpy Copies a string into another
strncpy Copies first n characters of one string into another
strcmp Compares two strings
strncmp Compares first n characters of two strings
strcmpi Compares two strings without regard to case ("i" denotesthat this function ignores case)
stricmp Compares two strings without regard to case (identical to strcmpi)
strnicmp Compares first n characters of two strings without regard to case
strdup Duplicates a string
strchr Finds first occurrence ofa given character in a string
strrchr Finds last occurrence ofa given character in a string
strstr Finds first occurrence of a given string in another string
strset Sets all characters ofstring to a given character
strnset Sets first n characters ofa string to a given character
strrev Reverses string

List of Memory Bugs

Bug Description
Buffer_Overflow Writing past the bounds of a buffer. For example, writing to a buffer without an null byte (\x00) appended at the end, therefore the program doesn't know when to stop writing user input to memory.
Dangling_Pointers When a pointer is pointing to an area of memeory that has already been freed. Also known as, Use-After-Free.
Off-By-One_Error Found in loops that append data to a buffer. Not checking the last iteration of the loop can overwrite the least signifcant byte on the function's base pointer.
Race_Condition When threads are in use. If two or more threads can access shared data and try to change it at the same time.
Format_String_Attack If a function like printf() is used to print input from a user and a format string is not specified.
Integer_Overflow Integers have a maximum value in memory. A signed int can only go as high as 2,147,483,647 for example. Math that goes beyond that limit can overflow the integer, resuting in unexpected behavior.
Weak_Encryption Using weak Pseudo-random seeds, for example using time() to provide a cryptographical seed for encryption or rand() function..

Programming Concepts

Subject Description
Arrays Arrays and buffers are the same thing. They point to adjacent data streams located in memory and end with a NULL byte. (\x00).
Pointers Pointers have types, just like variables. Pointers are used to store a location of data in memory.
Strings Strings are pointers to character arrays. Strings point to the beginning of an array/buffer in memory to be read by a function like scanf().
Typecasting C/C++ is a Strongly Typed Language. You need to use Typecasting to change the type of a variable or pointer. Despite how the type was originally defined.
Vectors Vectors are similar to arrays expect that they are used to store Object References instead of values with primative data types.
File Descriptors A number that is used to refernece an open file.
Streams The interface we use for reading and writing data to files, sockets, stdout, etc.
Structs (C) Structs in C are variables that contain multiple other variables.
Classes Class is short for Classify. A class is a blueprint for creating objects during runtime. Objects are dynamic and only spawn during runtime. Classes and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) were added in C++.
Structs(C++) Structs in C++ are the same as Classes except they are by default set to Public.

Primitive Data Types

Subject Description Byte Size
Signed_Int Stores a whole number. Numbers in C are defaultly signed. Meaning, they can be either positive or negative numbers. 32-bit signed integers max out at 2,147,483,647. 4
Unsigned_Int Stores a whole number. Numbers that are unsigned can only be positive. This means there is no Twos Compliment and the least significant bit is not reserved. 32-bit unsigned integers max out at 4,294,967,295. 4
Long Store a whole number. A long is double the memory size of an int, 8-bytes in 32-bit machines. Used when an Int isn't big enough to store a value. 8
Short Store a whole number. A short is half the size of an Int. 2-Bytes in 32-bit machines or simply 16-Bits in size. 2
Float Stores numbers with decimal points. 4-Bytes in size on 32-Bit machines. Used for values with 6 to 7 decimals. 4
Double Stores numbers with decimal points. 8-Bytes in size on 32-Bit machines. Used for values with up to 15 decimals. 8
Char 2 Bytes in size. Chars are used to contain letters such as ASCII values. Strings are considered char arrays. 2
Boolean Either a True or False. 1-Bit in size. 1-bit


Subject Description
Big Endian Bytes in there normal order. "Most significant byte first" 0x12345678 = \x12\x34\x56\x78
Little Endian Bytes in there reverse order. "Least significant byte first" 0x12345678 = \x78\x56\x34\x12


A simple cheatsheet for Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges.







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