DDD 2020 Presentation on Pulumi
This is basically the same presentation I ran for NE-RPC-2020 - there wasn't really enough lead time to re-do the demos so...
docker run -it -v c:\dev\ddd-2020:/repo -p 9000:9000 gitpitch/4.0
az group list -o table
az resource list --query "[?resourceGroup=='rg-ne-rpc-demo-dev'].{ name: name, flavor: kind, resourceType: type }" --output table
az resource list --query "[?resourceGroup=='rg-ne-rpc-demo-test'].{ name: name, flavor: kind, resourceType: type }" --output table
az storage blob list --container-name data -o table --account-name nerpcdemodev
Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -contenttype "application/json" -Body $body0101 -Uri