Because configuration is extremely "reactive": all applications form "compounds" with some config library. But Fluorine is more than just a library, it is a client/server model for distributed configuration. Fluorine enables and supports the following scenario:
- You have a system running on 2+ nodes in-house or some cloud service. Nodes might be running the same app or different services.
- Different apps are stored in separate git repos (svn, hg, or anything else), so you can develop and deploy them independently.
- The configurable part of the application is stored as plain text [edn,json,custom-format] files. Configuration is both startup (stuff for initial bootstrapping like ports, paths, etc) or runtime (for example feature toggles).
- Plain text config is stored in a centralized file-system repository that you can structure with any sub-level of subfolders/files.
- When a service start it connects to Fluorine to register insterest in a specific configuration sub-path.
- At the beginning or whenever the config sub-path changes in the central repo, the running apps interested in it will receive updates.
- No restart/redeploy/nohup should ever be necessary.
- No impacts on running applications if central repo server goes down.
Or as a glorious full-color digram:
The main selling point of Fluorine is to push toward a complete configuration solution, not just a library to read properties from. Other important driving principles include:
- Plain text instead of proprietary serialization formats (edn and json are supported at the moment). Plain text is readable and can be easily put under source control, where changes can be tracked easily and "diffing" is well supported by tools.
- Client/Server communication via web-sockets is firewall friendly and cross-language enabling other languages than Clojure to use Flurine (as soon as other clients are ready).
- Resiliency and fail-over capabilities: you can run many Fluorine Server instances and clients know how to fail-over gracefully. Even if all Fluorine servers are unavailable, the local cache in the client will keep your system running. Ping messages are sent over between client and servers to prevent firewall to close inactive connections.
- Zookeeper: offers config-hosting (along with other big features like distributed synchronization). Config in Zookeeper is stored in some binary format that you are supposed to access with a client or via APIs. It's a very robust solution but you can't access configuration as plain text (you can of course store as much plain-text you like, it's just not stored as such on the file system). Zookeeper also has specific operational costs: you need to know how to configure and backup a cluster. Fluorine is way easier to operate and understand being focused on one main task only (no distributed semaphores, just config). Fluorine doesn't use any proprietary format and read configuration as plain files from any file system.
- Etcd: also offers configuration hosting. It's more user-friendly than Zookeeper and easier to operate. It still stores configuration in a proprietary format and requires you to use the APIs to change or access the configuration. is an attempt to create a tool based on the file system to synchronize changes with Etcd. But now you have to install two things instead of one. Fluorine offers similar capabilities in a single package.
Check the current version at the top of the page if the one below is not the same.
curl -O -L
echo '{:fluorine-root "/path/to/data/folder"}' > fluorine.config
java -jar fluorine.jar
Notice that :fluorine-root
should point to the folder that Fluorine should watch for serving/changing configuration files, so you want to replace /path/to/data/folder/
with the root for all the configuration files.
Check the current version at the top of the page if the one below is not the same. Probably better to use the most recent.
:dependencies [[net.reborg/fluorine "0.0.9"]]
Here's a typical REPL session:
user=> (require '[net.reborg.fluorine-client :as c])
; connects to the two servers asynchronously, assuming there is a folder /apps/myapp1
; under <fluorine-root>. The connection happens through a keep-alive HTTP
; WebSocket connection by default.
user=> (c/attach "/apps/myapp1/" "fluorine-host1,fluorine-host2" 10101)
;; your configuration is now available by dereferencing the following atom:
user=> @c/cfg
{:myapp1 {:prop1 "hello" :prop2 "world"}}
;; Following read of the atom might change based on configuration changes.
Both Fluorine servers in this example will print the same information when a client connects:
- reaction request from for path /apps/myapp1/
Now try to change a file in the watched folder in one of the servers and you should see something like this on the client:
- received new config [{:prop2 "world"} {:prop2 "fluorine"} {:myapp1 {:prop1 "hello" :prop2 "fluorine"}}]
Which shows an array with 3 elements: the old value, the new value that changed, the entire configuration map. At the same time you should see the following on the server:
- file /me/prj/my/fluorine/data/apps/myapp1/ changed. firing watcher for [ /apps/myapp1/]
The new config that was received from the client is the content of the file that was changed in edn format. By the time it arrives on the client it is already a proper Clojure data structure ready to use.
All you need to know is that you can start the fluorine-client with a comma separated list of fluorine servers. As of the details, if you are curious, read below.
All Fluorine Servers are connected by the client at startup and will compete against the local cache to push a new configuration. So if you run with multiple Fluorine Servers you should always make sure that changes to the configuration repository are kept in sync and executed roughly at the same time (or in a very close sequence). The last Fluorine Server to pick up a local change will write (possibly over) the local client cache.
Ping messages are sent by the client to all the connected servers at regoular intervals. This prevents firewalls (or other networking infrastructures) to close the connection in case there is no traffic through it for a long time. In case one side or the other disconnects, the server will proceed to clean up internal state for the lost client. The worst that can happen is that all the connections get closed and the client won't be able to receive any further update, but it will run happily on the local cache.
- investigate long polling over HTTP avoiding websocket upgrade requests for those firewall doing full packet inspections.
- consider secondary file cache on the client so application can restart even without fluorine servers available
- consider REST endpoint to get the configuration for any other kind of app needing that
- other custom pluggable formats?
- JavaScript client
- enabling tcp, udp options, testing.
- apt-get ubuntu package?
- stress testing (how many connected clients? bandwidth? changes?)
- json format support
- homebrew tap for quick install on mac