🚨 No longer maintained. Moved to nodemod. 🚨
Helper functions made specifically for The Really Project.
# Install via NPM
$ npm install --save @reallyland/node_mod
- deep-clone - Simple and fast deep cloning
- delay-until - A typical delay function but Promise based
- fetch-as - Simple fetch helper with type resolver
- lit-ntml - Expressive HTML Templates
- normalize-diacritics - Remove accents/ diacritics in string
- polling-observer - A new way of running polling function with observer pattern
- scryptify - A stronger encryption and decryption in Node.js
- signatur - Sign and unsign HTTP request with ease
- utc-date - Generate UTC date with various offsets
- utc-time - Generate UTC time with various offsets
Showing some ❤️ and support for deno.
MIT License © Rong Sen Ng