Julia package for Emergency Medical Services Simulation
To install and build this package, run the following command in the Pkg REPL mode (entered by pressing ]
from the Julia REPL; press backspace to get back):
pkg> add https://github.com/uoa-ems-research/JEMSS.jl
To run an example script that loads and runs a simulation and then writes statistics to files:
using JEMSS
include(joinpath(JEMSS.jemssDir, "example/example.jl"))
This example is for Auckland city, focusing on the urban area.
The simulation is initialised from a configuration file (sim_config.xml) which contains a list of input files (files for ambulances, calls, stations, road network, etc.) and other parameters.
The output files will be written to the folder example/output.
The first time that this script is run it will take an additional minute or so to compute and serialise the all-pairs shortest-path data for the road network; subsequent runs will be faster as they read the serialised data.
After this script has been run, the simulation can be animated with animate!(sim)
A list of further example scripts that may be useful can be found in example/other_examples.jl.
The package includes these city (/island/region) models: Auckland, New Zealand; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Manhattan Island, New York, USA; and Utrecht, Netherlands. Example scripts to simulate these cities can be found in example/other_examples.jl. The models are not exact replicas of the cities, but they are at least city-like. More information on the city models (sources, simulation results) is available in this pdf document (on Google drive).
To animate a simulation:
using JEMSS
sim = initSim("config_filename");
animate!(sim; port = 8001)
The call to animate!
will open a web browser window to localhost:8001
(other port numbers may be used).
The connection may take a few seconds to be established.
The browser window, using Mapbox, will show a map containing the sim
region, the ambulances, hospitals, stations, and roads.
Controlling the animation is done with buttons and text input in a box at the bottom right of the window.
To have lines drawn between each ambulance and its destination, check the 'Show destinations' box.
The 'Show road arcs' check-box is provided so that the road network arcs can be hidden, which reduces the computation required to display the city while the simulation is running.
Notes on animation:
- Firefox and Chrome work, Edge does not work well, other browsers have not been tested.
- Multiple browser windows may use the same port.
- For the timing control, 'Sim speed' is the ratio of simulation time to real time; speed of 1 gives real-time (real slow) simulation. This requires the input files to have time units in days.
- Input files should have (latitude, longitude) coordinates, these correspond with the y and x fields in the input files.
For solving linear and integer programs, CBC and GLPK solvers are used, though Gurobi will be used (for difficult problems such as p-median and DDSM in JEMSS) if it is installed along with the Gurobi.jl package, as Gurobi generally solves faster.
JEMSS does not have Gurobi.jl listed as a required package because not everyone has a Gurobi license, so there is a warning printed when JEMSS is loaded: Warning: Package JEMSS does not have Gurobi in its dependencies
Backslashes are special characters in Julia strings and so if a path includes backslashes (e.g. "path\to\file.txt"
), it needs to be handled as a raw string (raw"path\to\file.txt"
If you have a city model that you would like to add, please submit a pull request.
Cities should follow the same folder structure as those existing (in data/cities), with a data folder containing the raw data along with any sources and licenses, and a model folder containing the input files for the calls, stations, road network, etc.
Note that any large files should be compressed as a .gz file using BinaryProvider.package(dir)
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details.