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Sort And Bind Operator

Tim Cooke edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 14 revisions

The sort problem

Sorting data for the observable cache side of Dynamic Data has always been a problematic area, and the current implementation of Sort is very expensive as it has to:

  1. Maintain an internal sorted list
  2. When changes are received, calculate index differences for new, updated, mutated and removed items.
  3. Include the index changes on the change object which forms part of the change set.
  4. Finally and this is the very worst part of it all, it transmits a copy of the internal sorted list on a specialised change set ISortedChangeSet<TObject, TKey>.

Parts 1, 2 and 3 are required in order that the changes together with their indices are transmitted to enable down stream operators like Bind to be able apply those changes. This alone is an expensive operation but it gets worse. Binding is also expensive and for most scenarios there's a threshold where for a certain number of changes, it is cheaper to suspend the NotifyCollectionChanged events, rebuild the observable collection and fire the NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset . This is the reason for point 4, as in order to apply the reset Bind requires a complete set of state. So basically every sort change results in the sorted list being cloned just in case the Bind operation requires a reset. This is an overblown, bloated and expensive solution.

Here's the offending object:

public interface ISortedChangeSet<TObject, TKey> : IChangeSet<TObject, TKey>
    // This is the container which contains a clone of inner state of the Sort operator.
    IKeyValueCollection<TObject, TKey> SortedItems { get; }

and additionally the change also carries any related indices.

// not the real implementation
public readonly record struct Change<TObject, TKey>(
	ChangeReason reason, 
	TKey key, 
	TObject current,
	// These are produced by Sort and only used by Bind, Virtualise and Page
	int CurrentIndex,
    int PreviousIndex);    

which again means the extra storage requirement on the change object when the only operators on the cache side of Dynamic Data which use these the results of Sort are Bind, Virtualise and Page. So as a result of Sort, every single change requires more memory than it would have if sort had never existed, and for just three operators, two of which are rarely used.

The solution

How about we bypass Sort altogether, and instead supply the 3 sort dependent operators with a comparer - this solution is so obvious that I seriously cannot believe that I have never considered it until recently. I think to a large degree, I have been inspired by the brilliant input @JakenVeina and @dwcullop has had with Dynamic Data lately. Between us we have started to imagine what the Dynamic Data 2 will look like, what is good, what is bad and how we would implement it from scratch to make if fit for the next 10 years. V2 is still being imagined but this operator is inspired by some of these v2 discussions and where possible it is good to back apply the ideas.

We cannot get rid of Sort overnight so I have introduced SortAndBind which combines the operations of Sort and Bind. This means there is no need to transmit state and subsequently the operator is much faster and has significantly less memory consumption. It's functionality is almost identical to Sort followed by Bind but without the overheads.

// sort person by age then name.
var comparer = SortExpressionComparer<T>.Ascending(p => p.Age).ThenByAscending(p => p.Name);
var cache = new SoureCache<Person, string>();
// instead of this
var oldSlowWay = myCache.Connect().Sort(comparer).Bind(out var myList);

// do this
var newFastWay = myCache.Connect().SortAndBind(out var myList, comparer);

// or sort and bind to an arbitary list
var myList = new List<Person>();
var newFastWay = myCache.Connect().SortAndBind(myList, comparer);

This should clearly be an easy transition and Sort will remain a part of Dynamic Data for the foreseeable future so these changes can be applied gradually. The one caveat is that whereas ObserveOn(MainThreadScheduler) is typically applied after Sort and before Bind it should now be applied before SortAndBind.

The same treatment will be applied to Virtualise and Page very soon - watch this space.

I will also need to add overloads which enable the comparer to change ie. add IObservable<IComparer<T>> option.

Additional Optimisations

There is an overload to additionally apply optimizations:

// optionally apply any combination of the following.
var options = new SortAndBindOptions
	        // Applied to ReadonlyObservableCollection only. 
	        // Can help speed up first time load if capacity is known
                InitialCapacity = 10_000,
                // Use binary search when the result of the comparer is a pure function.
                // This can work performance wonders but only is there are no inline mutations
                UseBinarySearch = true,
                //  When possible, should replace be used instead of remove and add.
                // Some control suites do not support replace.
                UseReplaceForUpdates = false,
		// The number of changes before a reset is fired.
		// Adjusting this can speed up the binding
		ResetThreshold = 30

var newFastWay = myCache.SortAndBind(var our myList, comparer, options);

These should be self-explanatory.


Count = Number of items in the cache.

For first time load

Method Count Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated Alloc Ratio
Old 100 28.53 μs 0.567 μs 0.557 μs 1.00 0.00 6.6833 0.3052 - 61.66 KB 1.00
New 100 18.29 μs 0.365 μs 0.449 μs 0.64 0.01 4.2114 0.0305 - 38.98 KB 0.63
Old 1000 409.07 μs 8.092 μs 9.319 μs 1.00 0.00 88.8672 24.9023 - 820.42 KB 1.00
New 1000 329.29 μs 6.349 μs 11.609 μs 0.81 0.04 66.8945 4.3945 - 616.48 KB 0.75
Old 10000 8,744.38 μs 173.471 μs 474.875 μs 1.00 0.00 1328.1250 671.8750 500.0000 10041.87 KB 1.00
New 10000 5,562.98 μs 41.159 μs 32.134 μs 0.64 0.03 851.5625 281.2500 - 7836.35 KB 0.78
Old 50000 54,583.32 μs 1,065.639 μs 1,562.000 μs 1.00 0.00 5300.0000 600.0000 600.0000 54878.87 KB 1.00
New 50000 44,452.76 μs 887.386 μs 1,153.852 μs 0.81 0.04 4666.6667 - - 43980.84 KB 0.80

For a single change, where optimized is using BinarySearch

Method Count Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated Alloc Ratio
Old 10 1,683.7 ns 20.96 ns 17.51 ns 1,686.1 ns 1.00 0.00 0.2785 - - 2624 B 1.00
OldOptimized 10 800.3 ns 15.65 ns 29.40 ns 796.5 ns 0.48 0.02 0.1965 - - 1856 B 0.71
New 10 369.2 ns 6.39 ns 5.67 ns 368.1 ns 0.22 0.00 0.0720 - - 680 B 0.26
NewOptimized 10 556.3 ns 10.85 ns 13.32 ns 554.1 ns 0.33 0.01 0.0858 - - 808 B 0.31
Old 100 6,090.6 ns 118.70 ns 141.30 ns 6,091.7 ns 1.00 0.00 1.1673 0.0076 - 11048 B 1.00
OldOptimized 100 1,006.4 ns 14.21 ns 11.87 ns 1,006.4 ns 0.16 0.00 0.3796 0.0019 - 3584 B 0.32
New 100 1,712.9 ns 43.85 ns 125.81 ns 1,662.9 ns 0.27 0.01 0.3014 - - 2840 B 0.26
NewOptimized 100 686.5 ns 13.74 ns 15.28 ns 681.9 ns 0.11 0.00 0.1163 - - 1096 B 0.10
Old 1000 49,820.9 ns 991.81 ns 2,506.43 ns 49,273.1 ns 1.00 0.00 9.9487 0.5493 - 93992 B 1.00
OldOptimized 1000 2,211.8 ns 42.17 ns 43.31 ns 2,205.9 ns 0.04 0.00 1.9379 0.1907 - 18272 B 0.19
New 1000 13,712.9 ns 269.31 ns 505.83 ns 13,669.8 ns 0.28 0.02 2.5940 - - 24440 B 0.26
NewOptimized 1000 907.8 ns 17.21 ns 16.90 ns 904.3 ns 0.02 0.00 0.1469 - - 1384 B 0.01
Old 10000 731,549.7 ns 12,973.21 ns 22,378.14 ns 721,852.1 ns 1.000 0.00 123.0469 45.8984 42.9688 922226 B 1.000
OldOptimized 10000 24,563.5 ns 2,019.32 ns 5,212.52 ns 24,027.3 ns 0.033 0.01 12.6953 12.6953 12.6953 162677 B 0.176
New 10000 157,586.0 ns 3,135.62 ns 5,889.45 ns 157,696.9 ns 0.216 0.01 25.3906 - - 239657 B 0.260
NewOptimized 10000 2,072.1 ns 40.10 ns 50.72 ns 2,066.4 ns 0.003 0.00 0.1869 - - 1768 B 0.002
Old 50000 3,538,953.8 ns 70,395.87 ns 107,501.93 ns 3,549,659.6 ns 1.000 0.00 449.2188 62.5000 46.8750 4602400 B 1.000
OldOptimized 50000 335,438.2 ns 26,403.01 ns 77,849.87 ns 323,205.6 ns 0.122 0.01 17.5781 17.5781 17.5781 802897 B 0.174
New 50000 880,881.6 ns 17,536.51 ns 36,215.94 ns 875,918.3 ns 0.250 0.01 127.9297 0.9766 - 1211196 B 0.263
NewOptimized 50000 7,932.2 ns 152.25 ns 304.07 ns 7,918.4 ns 0.002 0.00 0.1984 0.0153 - 1961 B 0.000