A... programming language...
NOTE: It is a work in progress..
Note: The syntax might (and most probably will) undergo changes.
- Defining a function
def sum(a:i32, b:i32) -> i32 a+b end
- Calling a function
sum(a, b)
- Defining a function
- A class in lyron is just a collection of functions and attributes
- Constructors should have the same name as the class. Eg:
class Animal{ def Animal(self: Self, age: i32)->Animal do print("i'm an animal ") print("i'm "+age+" years old.") self = setattr(self, "age", age) # `self.age = age` is invalid! self end def sound(self: Self) -> Animal print("i make a sound") }
- Declaration:
let x: i32
- Assignment:
x = 42
Note: Both need to be done separately.
- Declaration:
- Available operations
let a:i32 = (-b + 5) - 10 / -(5 - -2)
- Available operations
- Comments start with
and continue until the end of the line# this is a comment
- Comments start with
- A program consists of just top-level functions, classes, and expressions.