PowerVC CSI Step1:- Pre-requisites.
Follow the documentation : http://blaze.aus.stglabs.ibm.com/kc20A-bld/SSXK2N_1.4.4/com.ibm.powervc.standard.help.doc/powervc_csi_storage_install.html , and complete the below steps manually.
a. Download the following files from GitHub location, on to /root on the Bastion node.
b. Need to modify ibm-powervc-csi-driver-template.yaml template file
For OPENSTACK_CERT_DATA, copy the contents of powervc.crt file, <<< Location:- /etc/pki/tls/certs/powervc.crt For DRIVER_VOLUME_TYPE, enter the name or UUID of the storage template.
c. Edit the secret.yaml file.
Replace OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD parameters of secret file with your PowerVC username and password encrypted in base 64 format. Use the following command to get base64 encrypted format
$ base64 <<< $ base64 <<<
d. Modify csi.sh script and provide the IP address of hostname of the PowerVC server. step2:- The actual execution of the script.
a. Give the csi.sh file permission.
chmod 777 csi.sh
b. Execute the script.
step3:- Verification.
After installing csi driver, you need to verify if the installation is successful or not.
Check if all pods are in good state
Check the list of csinodes
$ oc get csinodes