Simple tool to check the conversion rate between one Fiat currency to another in Binance P2P (C2C) and compare it with the official/bank rate.
The main goal is to create watchers for pairs user interested in.
Also, as a proof of concept, the tool is collecting the data for BUY
and SELL
(only min
prices for
predefined banks from first page) orders for two pairs USDT_RUB
Data collected every minute and stored in the SQLite database in data
Collected data presented on the Statistics
page in from of range chart:
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
pnpm run build
docker build --tag=conversion-pro .
docker run -d --rm -p "8080:8080" --volume ./data/:/app/data conversion-pro
You can run the app in Kubernetes cluster. There is kube.example.yaml
file in the root of the project.
Don't forget to change the <YOUR_HOST>
. And change volume
path if needed.