For latest version of OpenWrt Firmware for your Device (download from here). Download the image by selecting factory image as FACTORY (EXT4).
Step 2: Download and install Raspberry Pi imager software (from here).
Step 5: Then click on “Choose OS”. After that, select the option “Use custom” and the image of the OpenWRT. Then, the rpi-imager will ask to confirm and start writing to the SD card.
click on choose os
Select Use Custom
Step 6: After transferring the image to the SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi and start the Raspberry Pi.
Step 8: We need to change our computer’s wired interface network to the same range as the Raspberry Pi.
Change the computer’s wired interface IP to “” using the mask “” or “/24” and gateway to
Step 9: To access the OpenWrt WEB interface, open a browser on your computer and enter
No password is set initially. Simply click on "Login".
This is how you can access OpenWrt web interface. ✌