Machine Learning project aims to classify the messeges in case of disaster
Necessary libraries:
You should face no issue running the file using Anaconda3 distribution
- Clone the full repository
- Run the data/ file to create the clean database*
- Run the models/ script to create the new model*
- Notice*: These Python scripts should be able to run with additional arguments
specifying the files used for the data and model.
- i.e:
python disaster_messages.csv disaster_categories.csv DisasterResponse.db
- i.e:
python ../data/DisasterResponse.db classifier.pkl
- i.e:
- Doing that you have made your trained model and you are ready to predict and visualize your data
To visualize your data:
- Run the app/ script
- Open
While disaster, you have no time to think where I should send my SOS message, so I made this project to predict based on real messages that were sent during past disaster events, the category of new messages. It is a machine learning pipeline to categorize these events so that you can send the messages to an appropriate disaster relief agency.
This project is Under GNU LICENSE