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Releases: r-gregmisc/gdata

CRAN release 3.0.1

22 Oct 10:17
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Other changes:

  • Changed ll() so it checks that all elements of a list-like object are uniquely named.

CRAN release 3.0.0

18 Oct 02:51
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Other changes:

  • Removed installXLSXsupport(), read.xls(), sheetCount(), sheetNames(), xls2csv(), xls2tab(), xls2tsv(), xls2sep(), and xlsFormats(). See gdata 2.19.0 NEWS entry announcing their deprecation.

  • Added aliases n_obs(), object_size(), and starts_with(). Deprecated gdata::object.size().

CRAN release 2.19.0

06 May 02:52
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New functions:

  • Added to replace rows of a data frame.

New features:

  • Added argument 'add.col.nums' to left() and right().

Other changes:

  • Improved ll() so it handles S4 objects. Also accepts unit="GB" (contributed by Michael Chirico) and unit="B", now case-insensitive.

  • Improved right() so it returns the rightmost columns of a matrix or data frame.

  • Renamed first two arguments of startsWith() to 'x' and 'prefix'.

  • Removed elem() - was deprecated in gregmisc/gdata 2.0.3 (2005-02-25).

  • Excel file support is now deprecated, to be removed in the near future. At the user level, the functions installXLSXsupport(), read.xls(), sheetCount(), sheetNames(), xls2csv(), xls2sep(), xls2tab(), xls2tsv(), and xlsFormats() now raise a warning about the functionality being deprecated. Excel file support was first introduced in gregmisc/gdata 1.11.0 back in 2004, but today we have packages such as openxlsx, readxl, XLConnect, and xlsx offering dedicated Excel file support with more features. When Excel file support will be removed from the gdata package, it will result in lighter package maintenance and no more Perl warnings on the user side.

  • Package maintainer is Arni Magnusson.

CRAN release

04 May 16:52
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Other changes:

  • Syntax improvements to pass CRAN checks, packaged by Brian Ripley.

CRAN release 2.18.0

04 May 16:51
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New functions:

  • Add update.list() function to replace named elements a list.

  • Add mv() function to rename an object.

  • Add first(), last(), first<-() and last<-() functions to extract or replace first or last vector/list elements.

New features:

  • Add 'byrow' argument to lowerTriangle() and upperTriangle() functions.

Other user-visible changes:

  • humanReadable() now properly handles a single value for the argument 'justify'.

  • Improve logging and error reporting for remove.vars().

  • read.xls() now handles latin-1 files properly on MS Windows.

  • write.fwf() now properly handles matrix arguments.

CRAN release 2.17.0

04 May 16:51
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New features:

  • Add new argument 'byrow' to upperTriangle(), lowerTriangle(), upperTriangle<-(), and lowerTriangle<-() to specify by row rather than by column order. This makes it simpler to copy values between the lower and upper triangular areas, e.g. to construct a symmetric matrix.

Other changes:

  • Add inline comments to tests to alert reviewers of expected diffs on systems lacking the libraries for read.xls() to support XLSX formatted files.

CRAN release 2.16.1

04 May 16:50
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Bug fixes:

  • mapLevels() no longer generates warnings about conversion of lists to vectors.

Other changes:

  • Requirement for Perl version 5.10.0 or later is specified in the package DESCRIPTION.

  • first() and last() are now simply wrappers for calls to 'head(x, n=1)' and 'tail(x, n=1)', respectively.